28: Dorms and back to classes

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After asking everyone in the dorm if they knew how to patch a wall, Izuku resorted to watching a video and with the help of Yayoruzo it was done before dinner. For dinner, everyone agreed to a simple stew for the whole class. Their new classmate was quiet and trying to get a feel for his new class.

"You alright, bro?" Kirishima asked Shinso while everyone was eating.

"Yea just never been in this sort of situation before. I do have a question about our class president." He said lowering his voice.

"Yea, what up?" The gym rat asked getting closer.

"He seems alright but earlier he was showing me his portals and I jokingly said if he cut someone apart with it before and he didn't answer." He asked apprehension in his tone.

Kirishima waited for more and waited. When nothing else came he tilted his head. "What was the question?"

"Has he actually used it on anyone?" He asked bluntly and with no little exasperation.

Kirishima stared at him waiting for a punchline or something. When he saw nothing but seriousness, he asked. "You don't watch the news or listen to the rumor mill do you." Kirishima was trying to keep his face blank but was cracking a smile.

"No, I only read up online after big things happened. And I don't like rumors so I tend to avoid them." He said not liking what he was hearing.

The red haired teen snorted and looked at his new classmate. "Now, I'm not bullying you but this has to be considered the new guy hazing."

"What are you talking abo-" He was cut off by him pulling out his phone and showing him the video of Midoriya taking out Stain and then Ripping a flying nomu in half.

"What are you guys talking about over there?" The class president asked looking suspicious.

"Just showing some clips of Rip n Tear." Kirishima said with a shrug, next to a wide eyed Shinso watching the phone.

"Maybe we should ease him in slowly." Izuku said standing up and making his way to the two. He was stopped by Sato and Shoji.

"It's for the best, he is already in the deep end of the pool." Sato said with remorse Shoji nodded in agreement.

"Guys, please don't do this." Izuku said with no little whine in his voice.

"It's best to rip the bandaid off." Mina said looking forward to Shinso's reaction.

They didn't say anything and only held his arms. Izuku surged forward towards the Kirishima indoctrinating Shinso. "Holy hell!" The two started to hold him back with effort and they were losing!

All the while, Kirishima showed the next video of Rip n Tear against the swarm of nomu at Kamino. Shinso didn't say anything and watched, eyes glued to the screen before him. He never even noticed the battle of strength happening a few feet away. Kirishima did notice and got nervous at the slipping feet of Shoji and Sato. A tongue wrapped around Midoriya's waist but Tsuyu was being dragged forward as well.

"How the hell is he so strong?!" Kaminari asked looking at the display of might.

The final video was put on and it was the interview with UA after the attack at the camp. The whole while, the rest of the class watched as Izuku step by step got closer to his objective.

When he heard "Your student Izuku Midoriya the winner of the Sports Festival and the one who took out Stain the Hero Killer was responsible for the death of Muscular and you approve of his actions of killing the man?" From the reporter who leaked his information on live TV. Izuku stopped fighting and the force of everyone pushing back sent the group to the ground in a pile.

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