35: Chat with Sir Nighteye

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Izuku got a text from Mirio to meet with him the next day to take him to Sir Nighteye. The text was very formal looking and Izuku wondered if Sir typed it himself. He sent a simple 'Arligt' with alright spelled wrong just to mess with them.

Classes were simple and the day passes quickly with nothing to speak of. Izuku packed his bag and threw it thru a portal to his room and went to the UA gates to meet with Mirio. Ochako only slightly pouted when she couldn't come but she just kissed his cheek and waved him off.

Mirio and Izuku rode the train in silence, for Izuku it was comfortable. Mirio on the other hand was not used to being uncomfortable. He always had a smile on his face and made jokes but being around the underclassmen made him wary and just a little scared. Scared of what Midoriya is willing to do in a fight. Mirio could have won if he didn't care for permanent injuries, he could have used One For All to its max and dealt with 1A with the help of Permeation but he couldn't do that. Midoriya had no qualms about getting his hands bloody, nothing to hold him back. That's what scared Mirio, what was Midoriya willing to do?

Mirio has had One For All for over a year now since All Might and Sir Nighteye offered it to him. When he first used it he shattered his arm like never before. It also affected his original quirk, so he needed to train it back to how he used it before. Before he couldn't see when he went underground but with One For All boosting his quirk it allowed him to see or more sense others. His closest friends, Tamaki Amajiki and Nejire Hado, were told about his newest quirk since they would have noticed when they were so close to each other. They supported him and helped with training him back where he was before.

While Mirio was going over his past year in deep thought. Izuku was humming a tune that Kaminari got stuck in everyone's head. While humming some people on the train recognize him and took some pictures with him. Izuku still needed to get used to having fans even though what the world has seen.

The two UA students got off the train and walked a short distance to an unassuming building. Inside behind a desk there was a man with a centipede mutation that greeted Mirio.

"Good to see you are on time, Mirio. I assume this is Izuku Midoriya?" He said standing up and looking Izuku up and down.

"Nice to meet you, Centipeder." Izuku greeted. The night before Izuku studied who would be working for Sir, and it wasn't hard to find the names. After that, he just flipped thru his notebook and read what he has written about them before.

Centipeder returned the greeting and told them Sir was waiting for them in his office. They walked back and Izuku opened the door after knocking to reveal Bubble Girl strapped to a machine and laughing uncontrollably. Sir was to the side and watching with a straight face.

"What the actual fuck. You know I don't kink shame but lock the door for crying out loud." Izuku said to the room before closing it behind him. He walked past Mirio and sat in the lobby where Centipeder glanced at him.

"Does he do that to everyone here? And are you alright with it because I can get people over here to stop him in a flash." Izuku said to Centipeder while getting up and preparing to tear a portal open.

Centipeder looked at him and didn't know what to say about Izuku's proclamation. "It's a way to train everyone to smile." He said to the boy.

Izuku's stare said it didn't believe him. Bubble Girl came out of the hallway where Sir's office was with messy hair and holding get stomach in pain. Looking at her and then at Centipeder, Izuku gave him an 'are you sure?' look. He waved him off and helped the still giggling woman to another room. Izuku sighed and walked into the now open room with Sir and Mirio seated on opposite sides of his desk.

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