49: Adoption

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Mako and Kana listened while Izuku retold how he found Eri and what has happened since. Ochako does call her parents but she doesn't add every experience to their conversations. Eri was shy at first about meeting new people directly. But she began to look around with curiosity when she started to become comfortable. With the presence of Izuku and Ochako, she relaxed.

"That one he- heck of a story. So little Eri has been with you for a bit over a month now? I'm glad that your ma is alright too." Mako shook his head at the story.

"Well, I don't know about you but I'm ecstatic with having a granddaughter to spoil. How dare Inko keep this from me." Kana ended with a faux pout.

"At the time we were just taking care of Eri. She doesn't even know I'm taking her as my daughter yet. So you have the jump on her." Izuku grinned at her in response. She gave him a big grin in return.

They continue to chat for a while longer. They told them about their internships and the adults filled them in about work. Kana got Eri to come close for a hug after some bait with sweets. Mako lovingly patted Eri's head while she sat next to Kana eating a pastry they pulled out. Ochako declined to stay with her parents in favor to sleep next to Izuku and their daughter.

As they got up to leave, Izuku pulled Mako aside to ask him about the bat. "Is the neighborhood bad enough for you to have a bat next to the door? Because if it is, then I could get you something better to protect yourselves." Izuku tore a portal to his stash and pulled out the shotgun he had found long ago.

Mako's eyes widen when Izuku handed him the shotgun. "Oh no no no, the place is safe. I just got the habit from my dad. Where in the hell did you get this!?"

"Oh, alright just making sure. I found this in an abandoned safe on the trash beach a few years ago. Not sure who it belonged to but it's mine now." Izuku grinned at the memory of his finding at the beach.

Mako took a chance to examine the gun. "You're right it is pretty nice. Isn't it illegal?" He raised an eyebrow at the teen.

"Mayhaps." Izuku didn't meet the man's eyes. "It's fine I keep this in a safe place that no one will ever find."

"Izuku! Put that thing away!" Ochako glanced at the two men and saw what her father had in his hands.

"Let the men speak in- oh my." Kana was pulling her daughter back when she saw what she meant. "Mako, we don't need a gun in the house."

"Alright alright. Just making sure you guys are safe here is all." Izuku grumbled and put the shotgun back in his stash. He looked into it and thought it needed more guns in it. Maybe he could get Yayoruzo to make some.

"We are, thank you, dear." Kana approached and gave him a tight hug.

They said their goodbyes and Izuku tore a portal to the dorms. It was eerily quiet in the ever chaotic common room. With everyone with their families, the common room was empty. It was getting late and the makeshift family decided to get ready for bed and watch a movie together. Eri snuggled into the middle of the two on the couch and watched the next Transformers movie.

Izuku woke up with a snort at the front door of the dorm's opening. He stared intently at the figure in the doorway. With Eri sleeping on his lap with Ochako's head leaning on his shoulder, he was stuck. The figure froze and watched Izuku in return. Light from a phone screen lit up the figure's face to show a scraggly Aizawa.

Izuku relaxed a bit and tore a portal with a finger to speak quietly. "Sup." He whispered.

Aizawa for his part stared deadpan at his problem child. "Were there any issues today while everyone was out?" He responded quietly as well.

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