39: Weekend

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After dinner, the class decided to show the youngest member of 1A Disney movies. Eri was enraptured by the first one and every one after that.

It was Shinso, of course, who fell asleep first. One after another, the class of 1A fell asleep watching Disney movie after Disney movie. The only ones who were still awake were Izuku, Eri, and Tokoyami to Izuku's surprise. They were watching Finding Nemo, and he was tearing up because of Nemo's reunion with his father. Eri was glued to the screen, Izuku, on the other hand, was watching Tokoyami out of the corner of his eye as Dark Shadow wiped their beak with a tissue.

The movie ended, and the credits began to roll. "I think it's time for bed." Izuku stated as he looked at the sprawled teens.

Eri refocused on the real world and nodded at his request. He sent her off to brush her teeth as Izuku stood and looked over his passed out classmates.

He looked to Tokoyami for his thoughts. "Should we...wake them? Or leave them?"

Tokoyami didn't answer for a moment, then said with a sigh. "You open your portals to their rooms, and Dark Shadow and I can drop them off in bed."

One by one, Dark Shadow picked up the sleeping students and deposited them in their beds thru a tear. Eri came back from brushing her teeth and sat and watched as the process continued. Once the last sleeping student, except for Ochako, were set in their beds. Izuku tore a portal to Tokoyami's room and bowed like a servant to a king. The bird headed teen snorted and said goodnight.

Once Ochako was set in their bed, Izuku helped Eri change clothes into pjs, and so did he. After laying in bed for a while, Eri believed Izuku was asleep, and Eri moved closer and hugged his arm as she fell into a deep sleep. Izuku was dozing off when he felt her wrap herself around his arm. He didn't mind one bit.

Izuku later woke to soft crying. He checked on the little girl, and she was weeping in her sleep. He wasn't entirely sure what to do, so he just hugged her and brought her close to him. She calmed down soon after. The crying must have woken Ochako as well because she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him on the cheek, then laid back down.

The rest of the night passed smoothly. Izuku was the first to wake, but he didn't move. He did feel a weight on his chest but wasn't sure who it was. Izuku figured Ochako must have reached over his chest to hold Eri as well, then fell asleep because he could still feel Eri in the other arm. Maybe an hour or two later, Eri shuffled awake. She squeezed his arm when she felt it there and then got out from under it. He could hear her sit up and wake up fully. Now that he thought about it, she didn't have anything to play with or draw or anything. They would need to go shopping for the little one.

She nervously shook Izuku, trying to wake him. "Zuku, don't we have to go to school?"

Izuku smiled at that. "It's the weekend, we don't go to school on the weekend."

"Oh, so what do we do?" Eri asked softly.

He hummed in thought. "We have a few things we have to do. But the first thing we should do is wake her up." He opened his eyes and looked down at his messy haired girlfriend on his chest.

It took more force than he expected but she woke up groggy. The makeshift family made themselves downstairs to the kitchen. Some of the class woke up already and sat eating or watching cartoons on the TV. They sat and Sato gave the three plates of pancakes.

"Thanks for tucking me in! Been a while since someone has done that." Sato said with a smile.

"I just opened the portal. Dark Shadow is the one who tucked you in and kiss your forehead goodnight." He said raising his hands but accepting the pancakes anyways.

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