54: Hero Interview Training and Chrismas

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Izuku got punished for both having an unlicensed firearm in his possession and for breaking Monoma's jaw. Although, Aizawa seemed pleased when he got Izuku's side of the story. He didn't say anything but Izuku could tell that he didn't care that he broke that student's jaw. As for his shotgun, he had to write a 10,000 report on the gun laws in Japan and what changed when quirks came into being. While the report was a lot, he had time since he was under house arrest for his attack. Three days where he couldn't leave the dorms for any reason unless it was an emergency, he was fine with that.

The class was shocked at what happened but quickly understood why Izuku did what he did. Hagakure snorted in laughter and then covered her face with her arms when she was heard by everyone.

"You know, I'm surprised that this is your first time getting in trouble in school, considering that you're...you." Kaminari said while most of the class was in the common room.

"The hell's that supposed to mean?! I'm a model fucken student!" Izuku said completely offended. He was also covering Eri's ears while he said it.

"I could hear you still." Eri looked up with her father's hands on her head.

"Hush, no you didn't." The young father kissed her horn and turned back to his classmates in mock outrage while Eri smiled at the behavior and leaned into him.

"No, I agree with Midoriya, minus the swearing. This is the only time he has stepped out of line." Yayoruzo tapped her chin in thought.

"What, no way." Sero stopped to think about it after he finished.

"Apprehension Test, Battle Trails, USJ, Sports Festival, Internship, Midterms, the Mall, Training Camp, Kamino..." Mina counted off on her fingers all of Izuku's altercations.

"Midoriya is a villain magnet." Sato pointed at Izuku with an accusatory finger.

"Not my fault." Izuku crossed his arms in a pout.

"Not dad's fault." Eri nodded in agreement and crawled onto his lap. Izuku smiled and hugged her from behind.

He had messaged Rumi that he couldn't go to work for three days since he was under house arrest. She immediately called and asked what had happened. Izuku explained what had happened and she laughed at the scenario. She said it was a good break since he had been working almost every day after school for a few hours.

His mother was upset when she heard that her son was punished. But once he explained what had happened, she bopped his head and said. "Bad... don't do it again. There you've been reprimanded." She brushed his hair back and smiled while she left to cook.

His house arrest went by fairly quickly. He sent Eri with Ochako for her schooling and he stayed to work out and work on his report. He was also ordered by Aizawa to write an apology letter to Monoma.

"I don't want forgiveness, why would I write an apology letter?" Izuku had asked.

"Because of feeling and stuff. Also, Vlad has been on my ass because of it. So do whatever, just get it done." Aizawa waved him away from his sleeping bag under the coffee table.

Once Izuku got started on the report he got going and ended up writing over what he was tasked to do. It was six pages long and his handwriting had been small. As his apology, he grabbed a cheap tissue and wrote 'Sory' with permanent marker on it, and then put it in an envelope with Monoma's name written in his most fanciful handwriting. With that done he helped his mom with cleaning the dorms and doing regular housework. It was a nice change of pace.

Of course, the class had to make fun of Izuku because of his punishment. "Why are the plates not in alphabetical order?" Mina looked at Izuku with a disapproving stare. "I mean it's not that- Owch!" His dear girlfriend pinched Mina's arm while walking by for her words.

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