20: Trouble at the Mall

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Everyone agreed to meet up at the mall around 10 in the morning for their shopping. Izuku didn't need much only a few small things and Ochako was in a similar situation. They are both happy that they could spend their time at the mall together.

From the internships to the midterms, they didn't get much of a chance to go out together. So they decided together to make this a small date. Mostly shopping and hanging out at the mall but it would be nice for them to spend time together. Izuku could see Ochako slightly nervous about going out shopping. Izuku knew about his girlfriend's family and their money problems. Izuku and Ochako were on the couch when Inko walked up to her soon to be daughter-in-law and gave her a wad of cash. Izuku raised an eyebrow and Ochako just looked at the money.

"That's for you to have fun shopping." Inko said as she turned away to leave.

"Wait wait I can't take this!" Ochako spluttered, she never was in this kind of situation and didn't know what to do.

"Well too bad you will and you'll have fun. Buy something nice for yourself and before you said anything about handouts. Think of this as kind of part of my dowry for the future." She said with a wink and laugh at the two blushing teens.

They both got changed and headed out to meet up with their friends. They found Mina on the same train headed to the mall. They chatted with Mina and Ochako doing most of the talking, Izuku just enjoyed their time off. Some other passengers on the train did recognize them but most kept to waving and taking pictures when they thought they couldn't be seen. Only one approached, a little boy with horns like a deer, and asked to take a picture with Mina. She squealed and took it smiling all the while.

After the boy returned to his mother with a big grin on his face they got off and arrived at the mall soon after. Just about their whole class was there chatting with each other. Momo seeing them arrive approached them.

"Nice to see you guys make it, so what is the plan?" Momo asked looking at Izuku. He sometimes forgot he is the class president.

So like a responsible adult, he looked to Mina who planned this out. Delegation is always the best way to be in charge.

Mina's shoulders slumped. "Fine, I guess we can split off in groups and meet up at the lunch area in two hours. Here are the rules. Rule 1: Look at the mall rules, Rule 2: No one is allowed to die. Rule 3: Don't talk abo-" Mina was pushed off the bench and covered her mouth by Izuku before she said anything more attention grabbing than it already has.

"Alright, that's enough out of you. Split off and don't die as she said. Eww did you lick my hand." Izuku said as he pulled his hand away from her mouth.

"Only I get to lick him." Ochako whispered as she got close to Izuku. She only heard by a red faced laughing Jirou.

Everyone split off into groups and went off.  Izuku and Ochako left hand in hand wandering the mall and getting what they needed for camp. They chatted about what they thought the camp would entail.

"I hope we get to make s'mores! I've never tried them." Ochako said with drool already forming.

"I've never been camping so it will be a new experience for me." Izuku shrugged.

Snapping out of her food fantasy, she looked to Izuku. "Never? You didn't go with any friends? Family?"

"No, it's always been me and mom. Never met my father and Katsuki made having friends difficult." He did go to martial arts classes but he never made friends there.

"I'm sorry to hear. I would have been your friend, but only after I would have taken your lunch." She said hugging his arm with a smile.

He laughed while hugging her. "Of course, you would have you little thief." They continue on walking around.

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