40: Quirk Training and Mother

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Eri took a nap after she calmed down from her crying. While she slept, Izuku sent a message to Aizawa about the man at the mall. He was not pleased by Izuku's ability to attract villains wherever he went, but he did send the police to watch any security footage of the mall.

After ending his conversation with Aizawa, Izuku looked at the napping girl and decided he wanted a nap as well. He sat next to the sleeping girl and closed his eyes to drift off for a bit. He was woken by the door opening slowly. His eyes snapped to the door and saw it was Ochako creeping inside. She froze at his eyes open but continues to scuddle forward towards him and lay down on his lap.

With a yawn, he saw he slept for an hour and brushed the hair of the head on his lap. "How did it go?"

"Pretty good, I going to intern with Ryukyu, and Tsu was accepted also. She had some trepidation about me getting influenced by your 'lack of restraint' as she said." She snorted at the last part. "If you didn't show restraint, then half the class would be dead or missing limbs. How was your day?"

"Well, I'm glad you got to go with Ryukyu. As for us..." He explained what they did and their quick exit at the mall. "The funny part is that mall was the same one that Shigiraki attacked us at." He chucked at the end.

Eri woke up slowly at their conversation. She blinked groggily and sat up with her newest toy in her arms. "Chako?" She asked eyes still blurry.

"Yes, sweetie I'm here. What's that you've got there?" She flipped over on Izuku's lap and faced her.

She showed off the first ever Rip n Tear plushie to his beloved. She asked Eri what they did at the mall and such. A bit later they all went downstairs for lunch. Everyone in the common room saw what Eri had clutched in her hands and immediately snapped pictures of her and their classmate in plushie form. Yayoruzo was there and Eri walked up to her and thanked her for her gift.

The day flew by with the class hanging around or going out to the yard to train. Kirishima left a little after lunch with Tamaki to head for Fatgum's agency. Night came and everyone went to their rooms to sleep except for Shinso who was already asleep in the common room. A blanket draped over him and Izuku left him there. Everyone showered and laid to sleep for the next day. Eri slept soundly that night with both the plushie and her savior with her.

Everyone woke and went to eat breakfast, Aizawa strolled into the kitchen and found who he was looking for. He poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down in front of Izuku and Eri eating cereal.

He let them finish and spoke. "We want to begin to have Eri practice her quirk today. I will be close by, of course. Any issues with that?" He looked at his favorite problem child and the literal child.

Izuku saw Eri get nervous at his teacher's proclamation. "It's alright he can turn off your quirk." He patted her head to put her at ease. She looked up at him and nodded her affirmation.

They changed into his gym uniform and then a small gym uniform they made for the little one. They met with Aizawa at a field he reserved. There were multiple items around from potted plants to cement blocks.

"Good let's get started, let's stretch first." Aizawa started stretching and Eri began to copy Izuku as they moved around.

"Midoriya, do you want to teach her, or should I?" Aizawa was finishing up as he looked at his student.

"I'll give it a shot, you ready Eri?" Izuku nodded and looked at the little one. She nodded apprehensively back. "Don't worry, mistakes will happen. You will not have perfect control of your quirk, that's why we are here. Alright?" He was crouched down and patting her head reassuringly.

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