56: Dinner at the Todorokis

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Rumi was reluctant to go with Izuku to Endeavor's home for dinner. She was never social with anyone, let alone other heroes. She went only to things that her secretary told her to go to. If she was offered to come on a TV show she declined unless her friend and secretary ordered her to go.

"Why, though?! I don't want to!" Rumi complained like a child. "Your friend invited you, you go."

"He invited both of us." Izuku crossed his arms while looking at his big sister leaning in her chair like she was dead. "Plus, when was the last time you went out to something like this?"

"Months before you came along." Her secretary said from the couch. Rumi gave her a baleful glare with no heat behind it. "You will go. It'll be good for you." She stood up and walked to the door as if the matter was settled.

Rumi grumbled some more before getting up and grabbing Izuku in a headlock while walking out the door. "Come on, then let's go to my apartment." She dragged Izuku along as he tried to get out of the hold.

Izuku hasn't been her home yet and was curious what it would be like. He escaped, and they walked down the sidewalk. "I thought you lived in your agency or something."

"Nah, I thought about it when I first started but decided against it. I would rather have my home away from my work."

They walked a few more blocks before arriving at an unassuming building. She led him up the stairs to an apartment and unlocked a steel door, and welcomed him in with a wave.

"Welcome to my burrow." Rumi smiled at him.

Her apartment, in a word, is chaotic but organized. While not messy, it was organized in a way only she would know. Piles of books and magazines were next to the couch and movie cases crowded around her TV. Clean cloths were folded on top of her kitchen table. Izuku walked in and took off his shoes. He walked around her apartment as she walked past him and into her room. Izuku didn't look in there for privacy's sake. She called out that she would shower quickly and change for dinner. Izuku, meanwhile, began to mess with her stuff, but only subtly. He switched DVDs with similar looking disks and shifted her TV a few inches from the center. It was petty, but he smirked at her confusion in the future. He helped himself to a pudding from her fridge and plopped onto her couch.

Eri pouted when Izuku said he wouldn't be back at the dorms until after she was already asleep, it was adorable. Ochako said that she would stay with her, and Izuku had all the confidence in his girlfriend. She had also pouted for a moment when she found out about him going out alone. With a kiss goodbye for the both of them, he headed off to Rumi's agency.

Izuku waited in his good jeans and a nice shirt for Rumi to finish changing. He was licking the spoon clean of pudding when Rumi walked out with a pair of jeans and a blouse. She stopped and watched Izuku lick the last of the pudding she was saving for a special day.

"I see you made yourself comfortable." Rumi said with her eye twitching.

"I was getting hungry." He shrugged in response.

Rumi walked close and grabbed him by the ear. "Ahhhh!" "You owe me more pudding!" Izuku grabbed one of her ears in response. "Ahhh! You brat! Let go!"

"You let go!"

"You ate my pudding!"

"You took too long!"

"Alright, we both let go on one." Rumi counted down, and when she reached one, neither let go.

"You didn't let go!"

"Neither did you!"

After a good five minutes, the two siblings finally managed to let go of each other. With one red ear, the both of them headed out. Izuku asked to stop by a liquor store and picked up a good wine as a 'thank you' gift for inviting them for dinner. Rumi, of course, had to buy it for him with his money. Since they had time, they took their time and took the train.

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