43: Raid Aftermath

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The remaining UA students were sent off to the hospital for a check up. Izuku was groaning the whole time. He wasn't hurt but he was ordered to go. Izuku sat grumbling in the back of the last ambulance to leave the site. Ochako shushed him while Tsu and their two upperclassmen sat across from them. Kirishima and Mirio were ahead of them and most likely in the hospital already.

While the ambulance drove, Izuku wondered how Mirio end up getting shot. With both Permeation and All Might's quirk he should have been a nightmare to fight. Izuku could see the upperclassmen looked worried for their friend but everything should work out, hopefully.

From what they were told Kirishima and Fatgum fought with one of the Eight Bullets and won but they were non fatality wounded. Tamaki also fought one of the Eight but he was able to take them down without any injuries. Ochako, Tsu, and Nejire helped with the villain that fought against Ryukyu and Rumi. They said it was a tough fight just because of the villain's quirk. Izuku told them about his part in the raid while they rode.

Soon enough they were stripped out of their suits and were checked over by medical personnel. Izuku only had bumps and bruises so he was cleared to leave at the end of the day. Sitting in his hospital bed bored him so he began to wander the halls and check up on his friend. Ochako, Tsu, and Nejire were drained from stamina and were to stay the night to recover. Kirishima was in good spirits with broken arms but smiling like he always does. Fatgum sat skinny from using his quirk to burn off the fat and finished the villain they fought. He was already stuffing his face with a sandwich from a plate stacked full of them. Fatgum, being the nice guy he is, offered some to Izuku and he wouldn't be rude to deny free food.

He left with a sandwich in hand and a hospital gown to check in with the next room. He knocked and walked into Mirio and Sir's room. They sat with Yagi with a somber expression.

Izuku took a bite of his sandwich and looked at them. "What's up? You all healed up?" Izuku said with a full mouth.

Mirio was the first to speak up. "Yea we're all healed. But I lost it...I lost One For All. It's gone." He looked very distraught at the words. Sir had a complicated face on him and Yagi looked saddened.

"Yea I wanted to ask you about that. What happened before Eraserhead and me showed up?" Izuku took another bite as he sat down.

With a sigh, Mirio spoke. "Sir was knocked unconscious after Shin distracted us. I knocked Shin back while I fought Overhaul and tried to get Sir to safety. Shin pulled a gun and aimed it at Sir. He knew I would take it for Sir and I was hit with the drug." He had tears in the corners of his eyes. He clenched his fists on his lap in frustration. "I'm so sorry, All Might. I failed you." Tears began to fall ad he bowed his head to Yagi.

"No! It's my fault! If I didn't get distracted then you wouldn't have to shield me." Sir said also looking down.

Izuku took another bite as he thought about what they said. "It'll be fine." He said around a mouth full of a really good sandwich.

The three stared at him with uncompression. "What do you mean it will be fine!? His career is over and so is the next symbol of peace!" Sir stood outraged at the cavalier attention of Izuku. "Do you have any idea what we just lost today!?" Yagi tried to calm his old friend down and Mirio looked worse after Sir's outburst.

Izuku swallow. "I mean not day or tomorrow but Eri could probably get your quirk or quirks back with hers. She still needs much more practice so you don't turn into a baby or worse pop out of existence but with time it might be possible." He took another bite as the three took his words in.

The three looked at each other, hope blooming in their eyes. "Imma go check on Aizawa. Hopefully, he didn't decide to expel me. Later!" Izuku called over his shoulder and left the room. Before popping back in and staring at Mirio. "Don't forget, I remember what you ruined for me." He then slowly pulled his head out of the room not taking his eyes off the blond student.

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