19: Break after the Midterms

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Ochako decided to stay the night at her boyfriend's. They have slept in the same bed before but have never gone past that. They didn't feel ready for such a step forward. She woke first like usual and shook Izuku slightly to wake him. The first time she woke him, she was startled by him opening his eyes wide open. It turns out Izuku is a light sleeper and isn't woken up unless he hears something in the night.

After waking him, Ochako shuffled into the bathroom in pajamas of stolen clothes from Izuku's closet. They got cleaned up, ate, and did their ritual of Ochako fixing his tie. On their walk to school, Izuku was feeling the new scar on his forearm. It wasn't huge but it was noticeable, just something to get used to. Izuku never cared for scars, like the one on his leg he got when he was younger.

They walked hand in hand, talking about nothing in particular and enjoying each other's presence. Arriving at the doors of 1A, Izuku was greeted by everyone shouting his name. He had completely forgotten that everyone watched him get blasted and get carted off to the infirmary.

"Oh hey, guys sorry for not letting you guys know. I'm alright, see." As he stretched out his arms to show he was whole.

"Yea! A message would have been nice!" Mina pointed at him accusatory.

"You good bro?" Kirishima asked still looking him over with his eyes slowing on his new scar.

"There was a lot of blood on the footage, and Aizawa didn't tell us anything yesterday." Tsu says with her ever stoic face but with a hint of worry showing.

"I'm alright just had a broken bone. I was healed up and headed home." Izuku was very touched by how many of his classmates worried about him. Made him feel all nice and warm inside.

That warmth froze when he heard "Why are you not in your seats?" In a blink of an eye, everyone was sitting down waiting for their teacher to continue. "Much better, now before anyone asks. Bakugo Katsuki was expelled yesterday for his actions and previous warnings placed on him earlier in the year. Let this be a warning, no one is safe. The only reason no one else was expelled so far is that no one has been slacking or breaking any rules that would warrant expulsion."

Everyone gave a slight shiver at the words and also was not overly surprised that Katsuki was expelled. "Now let's get on to the midterms, everyone passed the written test, barely." The last part was directed to Kaminari and Mina sitting close to each other.

"As for who failed the practical, you will be having extra lessons with me at the training camp we will have over to break." Aizawa said as he passed out reviews of everyone's fights. Five began to weep quietly for not being able to pass the practical.

"Here is the list of supplies needed for the camp, the rest of the class is a study hall." Setting a pile of papers on Izuku's desk for distribution. Then he flopped over in his bag.

After passing out the lists Mina spoke up. "We should go out shopping together!" As she started making plans for everyone to go as a group. Todoroki was the only one not able to go since Saturdays he visited his mother from what he told Izuku. The rest of the classes passed without any more trouble.

At the end of the day, while he was packing to leave, he did get a message from Mirko of all people. He was about to open it when she called him instead. Everyone looked at his phone ringing, Ochako thinking it was Inko for some reason thought nothing of it.

He answered "Why the hell are you taking so long to answer?! Forget it! I heard someone was expelled from your class it better have not been you!" She almost shouted thru the phone. He quickly pulled the phone away from his ear from the loud volume. Everyone was even more interested in who called Izuku considering that it was a woman's voice they heard. Ochako's eyes snapped at him and narrowed.

"No no it was that guy who got 2nd place at the Festival. He attacked me during our midterm practical and was expelled. Why are you calling by the way? It's nice to hear from you but didn't expect it." Izuku explained while oblivious to all the stares at his back and one particularly hard one.

"Well I was just checking up on you is all! What kind of mentor would I be if I didn't?!" She sounded a bit defensive but he didn't look too into it.

"Thanks that means a lot to me. Do you want to come over for dinner? I'm sure mom would be happy to have you again." He ignored the sound of dropped books on the ground behind him. Ochako was staring daggers at him when she heard his offer. 'Who the fuck is he talking to!' Everyone was looking between Izuku and an Ochako who seemed to get angrier by the second.

"That seems nice, alright text me when. And don't keep me waiting!" And she hung up. Sending a quick text to his mom so she could set an extra plate on the table, he noticed the quiet in the room. Turning around he saw 19 pairs of eyes looking right at him. Confused he asked "What?"

Ochako was the first to speak, "Who was that?" She sounded strained.

"Oh that was Mirko calling to check in on me, she hear someone was expelled and thought it was me. She is coming over for dinner." He said with an oblivious smile on his face, happy that his mentor is checking in with him.

Like a switch, "Oh that sounds great! I always wanted to meet her!" Ochako sounded excited, while internally she was relieved that nothing funny was going on.

Everyone was relieved that Izuku would never cheat on Ochako. They all left after the two love birds, glad not to see them go after each other's throats.

Later in the day now closer to dinner Izuku sent a message and waited for a second then opened a portal to Mirko's building lobby. Mirko stepped thru, wearing plain jeans and a light jacket, and went over to Izuku. She looked him over and finding nothing or what she wanted, she backed up. "Looking good! Glad you aren't slacking off."

"Thanks, Mirko how have you been?" Izuku asked glad that he passed whatever test she had.

"Rumi is fine, and hero work is all the same." She waved her hand, spotting a girl his age near him. "Who is this?"

"This is Ochako Uraraka, my girlfriend!" He said holding her forward and showing her off like a prized trophy.

Ochako stood nervously in front of one of her favorite heros. Rumi on the other hand looked her over. She remembered her at the Festival and how well she did against that brat with explosions until she lost, training will fix that. She seemed alright, with a hand out she shook Ochako's hand. Before she could let go, Rumi pulled her close. "You better not hurt him." With that statement, all of Ochako's nervousness was gone. "I would never." With such a serious face that Izuku worried something would break out.

They stared at each other until Rumi broke out with a smile, she will be good for him. Ochako smiled also, happy that Izuku has such a good older sister model. Izuku meanwhile got even more nervous seeing them agree on something without saying anything. They broke off their staring contest and all went over to have a nice dinner with Izuku in the middle of the two.

They finished dinner and now sat down while Izuku told her about the midterms. Inko just sat there quietly, enjoying the domestic feeling in the apartment. Rumi told about her time, nothing big only small time criminals. They moved to the living room with Inko grabbing a book off the bookshelf on the way. They sat down and chatted about small things until Inko mentioned how Izuku did something young and caught it on camera. Out came the scrapbook, Izuku went pale, and both Ochako and Rumi got excited.

Ochako quickly used her quirk on him and Rumi kicked him away when he tried to reach for the book on Inko's lap. While he spiraled away he heard 'awe' and 'so cute' coming from the trio. In the end, Izuku got back into his seat in the living room embarrassed by the contents of the book. They giggled and laughed, he is happy that he has such a good family. Soon the time came and Izuku ripped a portal open for Rumi to step thru. Before she left, Rumi gave him a quick hug and stepped thru.

The rest of the evening was spent relaxing and watching movies while leaning on each other. Inko already left for bed and it was only the two of them on the couch. They both got a text from the group chat, it was Mina telling everyone at what time to show up at the mall. There was some back and forward but they all agreed on early midmorning. With that, they got back to the movie and dosed off soon enough. Ochako ended up sleeping on top of him and Izuku in his sleep already before her.

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