48: Family

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The class talked about when Izuku could go to everyone's homes so he could portal them to visit. In the end, they decided for everyone to go as a class and visit each homes. The person who lives there would stay until it was only Izuku then he could round them all up back at the dorms. When they brought up the plan to their homeroom teacher, he stared at all of 1A with a dead eye expression.

"Aizawa?" Yayoruzo hesitantly asked in silence following their request.

"Wonderful, that means we got permission. Let's go!" Izuku clapped his hands and lead to the gates. The class followed their leader while Aizawa prays nothing will happen on their excursion outside the walls of UA.

"Are you sure we shouldn't tell someone else, bro?" Kirishima asked. He was wearing casual clothing like everyone else. After the festival, they all had a day off.

"Mom knows and if anyone is looking for us she will tell them. Plus, portal." He tore a finger sized portal in the air for emphasis.

20 heroes in training and one little girl boarded the train to the closest person who lives near UA. Izuku was also using this to get more locations on his waypoints. He already has Uraraka's home location in Mei and more would be good for him.

Izuku decided to take Eri with him so they could have a day out. While she is getting used to being outside in public, she is still shy. Her quirk training has been going great. The school's biggest worry was her quirk going off and hurting someone but now she hasn't had an accident in a good while.

Sato was one of the closest people near UA and his family owns a bakery so that was the first stop. His girlfriend was working at the time and everyone got to meet her. The girls immediately began to talk between themselves while the guys gorged themselves on the Sato family sweets. His parents gave Izuku some side eyes but they never said anything. Eri got to eat, from what she said, one of the best apple desserts ever.

One by one the class split off to visit their families. Many families were pretty normal and then there were families like the Ashido's. About half of the class was at her home when they were all rushed in by her mother. Mina's mother was ecstatic to see her daughter and her classmates. When the mother laid eyes on Izuku she immediately went to him and embraced him.

"Izuku Midoriya! You are responsible for getting my little girl to safety not once but twice! Thank you so much. If there is anything you need, just ask." Her mother was a bit shorter than Izuku with black eyes and pink skin, no horns. She grabbed Izuku by the head and brought him down to hug him.

Izuku was both shocked and suffocating in the Ashido matriarch's chest. He didn't know what to do and froze. Ochako was in a similar state while the class watched on with giggles. Mina on the other hand was dark purple in embarrassment.

"Mom! Let him go! You are killing him in your tits!" She tugged on her mother's arms until she released her class president.

"What's going on here?" A masculine voice came up from the kitchen. A man with black eyes and horns came out. He looks at his living room filled with people and her daughter pulling at his wife. His wife with a man in her chest. "What's this?!" His tone shifted quickly.

"Dear! We finally get to meet the boy who kept our daughter safe this year." She pulled a gasping Izuku from her chest and held him to show her husband.

His face turned from angry to thankful in a flash. "Ah! You are responsible for taking care of my daughter. I'll be forever thankful." He bowed at the waist to a discombobulated Izuku.

"You guys are so embarrassing!" Mina shouted and stomp her foot.

Footsteps were coming from down the hall and a young set of twins was rushing out to see the ruckus. They looked identical to Mina with black eyes pink skin and short horns. One looked slightly more masculine than the other. They seemed to be in their preteens.

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