17: Internships Over

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The rest of the week passed peacefully enough, with only minor villains being a problem. He spent the rest of the week with Mirko, learning what he could. He was finally able to beat her in a spar. Well beat isn't right, more like both losing. With his hand thru a portal on her spine and her foot pinning him to the ground, ready to burst like a tomato.

He probably got more injuries sparing with Mirko than he did out on patrol. Speaking of patrol, they just finished up their last one of the internships. The next morning he will be going to school, he will miss this. Getting changed, he had one last spar that ended with him losing, of course. With that, he said his goodbyes, and he has her number just in case, but still. With that, he tore a portal to his living room and went thru.

The next day, he used a portal to pick up Ochako, and he approached her with a big hug. She instead punched him as hard as she could in the gut. After seeing Izuku on the news, she immediately thought the worst happened. When she got a message and then a call later explaining what happened, she broke down in relief. So, in payback for worrying her, Izuku is now trying to catch his breath. "This is abuse. Once I show up to class with a black eye, they will look at you immediately." He said with fake tears in his eyes.

Ochako, of course, gave him a big hug and kiss, then began to berate him for making her worry. He just hugged her back and calmed her down. Soon, she began to tie his tie, and they were on their way back to UA. She already knew what happened, he told her when he and Mirko were having dinner with his mother.

She went on to tell him about her time at Gunhead's agency. That he built off of what training Izuku gave her. Plus, she got to go out on patrol a few times, from her telling me there was a lot of hand-holding. Mirko's way of teaching is the equivalent of throwing a child into the swimming pool for swimming lessons.

They arrived at school hand in hand with Ochako still telling him about her time. Opening the door, he was greeted by Kaminari, Sero, and Mina, giggling while trying not to look at Katsuki's hairstyle. He went with Best Jeanist from the trademark sidekick haircut he has. Katsuki was sitting at his desk not talking to anyone, simmering and ready to explode.

Iida was in his seat but was making a point of not looking at Izuku. He tried to visit Iida in the hospital, but the speedster ignored him the whole time. That kinda pissed off Izuku, but he isn't going to force a conversation. Everyone else seems to be doing good otherwise.

Class soon started with Aizawa slinking thru the door. He seemed less tired. Maybe a week away from us gave him a nice break. The rest of the day went on normally. At lunch, most of the class sat and exchanged stories about their internships. But everyone went quiet when Kaminari asked Izuku about his internship. They all saw the news, and their classmate took down the Hero Killer. And also killed a nomu on camera, but the footage was blured and their were not fazed too much about it.

As he was going to speak, an elbow hit him in the back of the head, hard. "Oh, I didn't see you big head there. Maybe you should leave some of the lime light for the rest of us. You have enough, don't you think not to mention bitch of yours." Monoma said with such venom and a sneer that class 1A was sure to see his head fly off his shoulders by Izuku's hand.

Seeing Izuku ready to get up and probably kill this snot nosed brat, Ochako stood before him. "That's right he does get bitches. Where are yours?" As she looked around, exaggerated. Counting off on her fingers, she said "No bitches, No screentime, No wins. Get out of here, you bowl haired loser." Growing up in construction sites, she picked up a lot of trash talk.

Everyone was dead silent, then Kaminari shouted out, "HOLY SHIT, I knew this guy was about to get murdered but not this way!?" As he broke down laughing so hard, he was crying. Soon, most of the cafeteria was also in the same situation, with everyone breaking down and laughing uproariously. Monoma was red-faced in both embarrassment and anger, but before he could do anything, Kendo came to take him away, also covering her mouth and shaking shoulders.

Izuku was there with everyone laughing and also hanging off a red-faced Ochako. She never called out anyone like that, but it was so worth it. They finished lunch with some chuckles still floating around. They sat down for class, with Aizawa coming in with such a deadpan that it made a few giggle.

Aizawa looked over to Ochako and asked, "Did you call Monoma a 'Bowl haired loser'?" As he squinted down on a piece of paper. She nodded, and Aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose. "Bullying is not tolerated in UA. This is your first warning, detention after school. Monoma already has received his punishment."

"Wait, Aizawa, it started off because of me. I should get the punishment." Izuku said,  standing up, trying to get his girlfriend out of trouble.

With a sigh, his tires teacher asked, "Did you do anything to Monoma to deserve detention?" Izuku shut his mouth then looked at Tokoyami near him. "Say Nevermore, you bird headed bitch." Maybe that was enough so Ochako didn't have to sit in detention alone because of that ass.

"Fuck You!" Tokoyami said as an automatic response. But everyone's attention was dragged to Yayoruzo, who snorted in such a way that no one expected it. She covered her mouth with her hands red-faced and looked at Tokoyami. "I'm so sorry!" Then the rest of the class broke out in laughter at the ridiculous situation.

Aizawa was at the front with his head down on the podium. No one heard the muffled "Detention for you Problem Child, detention for all of you."

Once they finally calmed down, they headed off to the locker room to get changed for hero class. Now out in his armor, Izuku met up with his class. Sero turned to hear the loud foot steps to come face to face with a green battle worn armor. Claw marks and blade marks were covering the front, making Izuku look like a season veteran. Sero has never seen Izuku's newest armor and sceamed like a little girl when he turned to see who it was. Some others also got wary of the stranger, but seeing his classmates get spooked, he took off his helmet to calm them.

"Easy guys, it's just me." With his hemet in his hands. They calmed quickly after that, with many going to look at his armor up and close.

All Might got everyone's attention back on him when he saw everyone present. "We are going to a race in this industrial zone! Keep the collateral damage to a minimum and to young Midoriya, no portals! What's the fun in that!" With that, he leaped away to a silo.

Izuku was one of the first to race. Iida, Sero, Mina, and Ojiro were the others he was racing. Izuku didn't do great, but he did finish before Ojiro.

Soon, hero class was finished, and they were back in their seats in homeroom. Aizawa came back telling them about midterms and to be prepared for the practical. With that, he flopped down on the floor with his sleeping bag. Izuku wasn't too worried he did get second in the entrance exam, and he was willing to do his best at everything else.

He felt a tugging on his sleeve, looking over he saw Ochako with such puppy dog eyes that if she asked to kill the president, he would consider it. "Can you help me study for the midterms?" She said in a cutesy manner.

Izuku didn't hesitate to pick her up in a bear hug. "Of course anything for those eyes!"

And so for two weeks, the class spent both in groups and alone studying for midterms. Izuku helped Ochako with studying and training for the practical. Every once in a while they also got Todoroki or another friend to join in with their training sessions but it was mainly them. Many times Ochako ended up staying the night after studying too late and decided to fall asleep, she started on the couch but always ended up sleeping with Izuku in his bed. His mother teased them relentlessly when she found them like that the first time. They never did anything just share a bed, but his mother always insinuates something more.

The day of the tests came with Ochako confident in her abilities. Izuku was just as ready, and by the end of the session of testing, he felt like he placed well. The practical had the whole class in their suits lined up in front of Aizawa. Nezu popped out. "Welcome to your midterm. You all will be paired off and fight your handicapped teachers!"  The class moaned at the impossible seeming task.

Everyone was paired off, Izuku unfortunately was with Katsuki. They waited to see who they would fight, and a booming voice came, "I am here to fight as a villain!" All Might came out of the sky in front of them.

Izuku threw his hands in the air, "What's with this bullshit!"

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