6: Battle Trial

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The next day, Izuku walking to UA Uraraka catches up to him on the way. Fixing his tie once again they laugh, Izuku not wanting to learn how to tie his tie if this is their new greeting. They chat with nothing in particular for a topic, just enjoying each other's presence. Izuku always expected hero school to be more exciting, with pros teaching every class including serving lunch. But no it was pretty average after the hype of meeting the pro.

Some of the teachers were pretty straightforward with teaching, like Cementos or Ectoplasm. But others had their own 'quirks', Mic liked to be extravagant and loud. Midnight was more interactive with the students, to the point where he wondered how she was still a teacher.

After a great lunch hero class arrived. With all the students chatting wondering who will teach them. All Might burst through the door, in a ridiculous pose he exclaims. "I'm coming through the door like a normal person!" Coming in like a lunatic, he marches forward and tells the class to meet him in the training city.

"For Battle Trial, you will need the gear you requested!" As All Might clicks a remote that opens the student's suits.

Looking forward, Izuku can see Katsuki almost frothing at the mouth when AM said battle. Knowing this will somehow end up badly for someone, he hopes it won't be Izuku. Grabbing his suitcase he heads out to the locker room. After getting equipped in his suit he looks at himself in the mirror.

After a long time of thinking about what to submit for his suit, he finally got what he wanted. When thinking about how his quirk worked he knew he couldn't wear gloves. If he did he would end up going through them a dime a dozen. So instead he went sleeveless with a black vest, it should be able to be bullet and piercing proof. The vest went up to his mouth covering his vitals, similar to bomb unit armor. With headgear he has a dark green helmet with a visor that matches his hair. Pants he choose simple combat pants with knee pads and combat boots. The only equipment he asked for was an emergency knife and a first aid kit attached to his lower back.

He thought of giving it more design but chose this as a base and add or remove as he progressed in his classes. He walked out with his helmet in hand and met up with his class. Looking at his classmates' costumes, he realized that he is very logical. Skin tight clothes, and little to no armor to anyone, he wondered if he should have been more colorful as well. He sees two that shouldn't be allowed but there they stand. One pair of floating gloves and boots, he prays she is actually clothed and not naked. Looking at the Yayoruzo, it's no better than a bathing suit.

Uraraka walks up to him in her suit, also skin tight might he add. "Damn Midoriya you look really cool! Like you are going to war in a movie!" She circles him to look him up and down. Not being able to look at her directly, he compliments her suit as well. Catching one of his classmates leering at the girls he glares at Mineta until he feels the stare. Looking eye to eye, Izuku slowly shakes his head and Mineta scurried away.

Finally, AM greets his students again, complimenting their suits. Internally asking who approved some of these requests, he will talk to the principal later about it. Continued on he glances at his notes and explains the trial. 2v2, villain vs hero teams, with random teams. With the students asking questions, AM waits for all to be finished. He answered all of them with a stern warning to Katsuki to not go overboard.

With the teams selected, Izuku finds his partner and finds it to be Uraraka. Happy to be paired with someone he is familiar with she sees who they will be fighting. And of course, it was a matter of time, it was Katsuki. With that ugly sneer, he always puts on he glares at me with a smile. Not giving in to his level, Izuku just puts on his helmet with a hiss sealing it to his suit. Looking at Uraraka he sees that she is giving him a stink eye and pulls her away to start planning.

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