46: School Festival Part 2

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The class sat around the common room with the Midoriya matriarch making snacks for everyone in the kitchen. Izuku and the interns just got back from another day of work and they settled around the room.  It was a quiet day for Izuku and he was glad for that. He did have some people come up to him for pictures with him and he obliged. Some people looked wary of him or scared when they looked at him which made him a bit sad. Not all people would approve of his methods but it still stung a little bit.

Kaminari pulled everyone's attention to him and spoke. "Yo guys, have you seen this villain who posts videos online?" Some people walk over to see over his shoulder.

The video shows a white haired man with an extravagant jacket. He is named Gentle Criminal and he posts his crimes online for everyone to see. The video shows Gentle Criminal robbing a convenience store and running off after he escaped the police and heroes. He leaves the money they have stolen and say to the camera that he wants his name remembered then it ends.

"Well, he doesn't seem like an evil guy. More like a guy who wants fame without hurting anyone, still weird." Izuku says after the video. The other videos on the profile show some tea they liked.

"Still a villain though, but yea I see your point." Kirishima said leaning on Kaminari.

The class returned to their seats after seeing the video. Some got back to work on the Cafe and planned out how everything would work. Mina still wasn't saying anything about his outfit and that made Izuku wary. Yayoruzo asked for measurements when he got back from hero work for his butler uniform. He told her what he usually wore but she still wanted to measure him with Mina at her side the whole time. He narrowed his eyes at them but relented. Ochako came thru the front doors right as Mina was wrapping her arms around his chest with a measuring tape. She was not happy and practically hissed at Mina like a cat. She took over measuring him and glared at Mina afterward.

While everyone was working, Inko came around with snacks on a plate for everyone to munch on. The class gave their thanks and continued to work. She set a plate for Eri and Ochako on the kitchen table.

Eri was working on her homework with Ochako guiding her along. She had taken to school very well and she liked to learn new things whenever she could. That made Izuku happy for her and how well she was moving past her trauma. She still had quiet moments but Izuku and Ochako helped her thru it. Izuku and Aizawa helped her train her volatile quirk from time to time. She is now able to shut off her quirk on her own but still can't control how far she Rewinds an object. Her horn seems to shrink after the use of her quirk and grow after not using it for so long. Izuku and his teacher decided not to let it grow too much lest the pressure could build up and burst. They didn't know that but better safe than sorry.

The class finished up and headed to bed, the next day they will need to work on setting up shop, and then the day after will be the festival. The intern requested the day off for it and they were given the time off. Rumi promised to stop by and see Izuku in his outfit. Fatgum was also happy to pop in. As for Ryukyu, she said she would think about it from what Ochako and Tsu said.

Izuku settled into bed with Ochako on his arm and Eri curled up on his other side. Izuku lay there awake and thought about how happy he was with everything in his life. He didn't have any immediate threat to his well being and all his loved ones were nearby and safe. He has a loving girlfriend whom he plans to make his wife one day if he is lucky enough and a pseudo daughter-sister that he has grown attached to quite quickly. With a content sigh, he drifted off to sleep.

The class was working together to put the shop in order. Yayoruzo was finishing up with the outfits. Jirou was nervously setting up her equipment with Tokoyami beside her. Some of the boys were washing the dishes and preparing them for use. Sato set up his ingredients and anything for his baking. It was nice to see his whole class work together to set up a business like this.

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