31: Provisional License Exam Part 2

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The whole class sat together while munching on snacks provided by the proctors. They watched as more and more students came in. Until Todoroki walked in with Shinso, who had some burn marks.

"What happened to you?" Izuku asked with a snort at the burnt purple hair.

"He...scared me and my quirk went off. He was too close." Todoroki said with a tiny bit of shame.

"Ha! We need to put a bell on you. First, Midoriya almost takes your head off now, Todoroki!" Kaminari said, and most of the class laughed. The people around them looked horrified at what was said. Considering it was Rip n Tear they were talking about, it probably wasn't an over exaggeration.

"I'm sorry I burned your hair. I'll buy your hair dye when it grows next time." Todoroki said trying to apologize and make recompense.

The class began to laugh anew. Shinso slightly red faced looked at Todoroki and said. "It's natural!" He only slightly shouted.

"Oh, sorry. Midoriya is -" "Yes, mine is natural too." He cut off Todoroki before he could finish. He was loving this kind of energy from everyone. So he looked at the class to keep this going, he looked at Kaminari in particular.

"What..." He asked like the idiot he is.

"Does your hair naturally grow a black patch in a shape of a lightning bolt?" He asked with everyone's eyes now on Kaminari.

"How dare you insinuate that mine isn't natural!" "It's not! I saw him repainting it one morning!" Mina shouted while Kaminari tried to act all high and mighty.

"Mina! You said you would keep that a secret!" With bright red cheeks, he yelled at her.

"Anyone else wants to come clean?" Izuku said laughing still.

"From black." Kirishima said still trying to catch his breath from laughing. No one else raised their hand or admitted to dying their hair.

"Maybe I should dye mine, just to spite Endeavor. How about pink a mix of red and white." Todoroki said with all seriousness. The class kept laughing for a bit longer.

The room was filling up and most were paying attention to the chaos class of 1A. With the infamous Rip n Tear leading them, they expected something darker. Instead, they listened to them talk about someone trying to keep their hair dying a secret and getting outed. The conversation was like between children.

Inasa was relieved that the teen they talked about in the news wasn't some murderous psychopath trying to get a hero license. Instead, he was someone who joked with his classmates and laughed with them. The next surprise was the son of Endeavor joining in and laughing softly with them. A completely different guy from who he met at the entrance exam.

They kept chatting until the buzzer rang again and they all heard the intercom. "The first phase of the exam is now over. The 2nd will be you all being first responders after a deadly attack." The monitors showed the empty arena explode. "Holy shit! There were bombs there! Someone could have set them off!" Someone in the room exclaimed and Izuku wasn't the only one who agreed. "We will have workers playing as victims in an attack and your job is to get them to safety." The screen switched to actors putting fake blood on themselves. "The exam will start now." And the walls of the exam room opened like a blooming flower to reveal destroyed structures.

Izuku and his class got ready and gathered around Izuku while he sealed his helmet. "Spread out and start looking, Shoji and Jiro you will be the best ones here to find hidden people. Ochako, Sero, Todoroki, and Mineta help around with stabilizing structures. Everyone do what you do best." Izuku ordered around and some single students joined their class to help where they can. A triage area was set up and Izuku set up a waypoint for it.

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