37: Eri

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The police showed up and took the still unconscious man away. Izuku gave them his report with Eri clinging to his arm the whole while. Rumi showed up just as Eri seemed to get more and more uncomfortable with so many people around her. Izuku noticed this then picked her up and moved her away from the police.

"The fewer people the better?" Izuku asked looking down at the girl in his arms.

She nodded and just got closer to his exposed arms. Rumi approached after getting a report from the police. "I just had to open my mouth didn't I?" She said smirking, she looked at the form in his arms and got quieter. "We will need to get her to a doctor."

Eri seemed to panic at the word doctor and gripped Izuku's arm tighter. "No! No doctor! Please!" She looked pleading up at Izuku.

"OK no doctor, how about a nurse? A little old lady nurse and I'll be close. Is that OK?" He quickly said to try to soothe her.

She seemed to calm slightly but didn't look much better. Recovery Girl should still be in school since it only has been a few hours. If not he will find her one way or another. Once they gave everything they needed to the police, Izuku set Eri down on the ground. She didn't want to let go.

"I need to use both my arms for a moment, I won't leave you, OK?" He asked gently. Rumi hid a smile at his behavior. Eri, reluctantly, let go of his arms but latched on to his armored leg instead. Once Izuku had his arms free, he tore a portal to Recovery Girl's office. Eri stared at the phenomenon before her with wide eyes. She let go slowly and looked behind the portal then back again, trying to see how it worked. The two others smiled at her curiosity but moved on quickly.

"Do you wanna walk or be carried?" Izuku asked Eri and disrupting her inspection.

Eri shuffled her feet with indecision but in the end, shyly asked to be picked up again. Izuku just smiled and picked her up gently then walked behind Rumi thru the portal. Eri stared at the portal as they went thru then looked all around at their new surroundings. She tighter her grip on Izuku once more as Rumi opened the door to the nurse's office.

"Who is hurt this time? Oh." Recovery Girl spun on her chair to face who came in when she saw a five year old in ragged clothes in the arms of one of the most dangerous students in UA. "Set her down on the bed, then fill me in on what's going on?" She ordered the teen.

Izuku obliged and set Eri on the bed then sat close by and held the little girl's hand before she could panic. "Her name is Eri and she was being chased by a man in a plague doctor mask, took the guy out  and she is scared of doctors so here we are." Izuku explained as he got up from the creaking bed and instead sat on the floor so as not to damage the bed.

"Hello there Eri, you can call me Recovery Girl is it alright if I check somethings?" The old woman asked gently to Eri.

Eri seemed like she wanted to say no but then looked at her savior instead for help. Izuku just squeezed her hand and gave a small nod with a smile. The child gave acceptance and Recovery Girl started looking her over. Eri squirmed in discomfort at times and clung onto Izuku when she began to take off the bandages on her limbs. Izuku's eyes darkened when they saw many scars covering her arms and legs. Rumi didn't seem any better as she sat quietly in the corner. They continued as Recovery Girl continued her examination, Izuku had to look away a few times for the girl's privacy and to get changed out of the dirty clothes she had on. Once Eri had clean clothes and new bandages on her, Recovery Girl finished her examination. It was to be expected, she was slightly malnourished and had a few cuts being healed still.

"Now all I need to draw some blood and I'll be all finished." Recovery Girl's statement caused the child to pull back and grab at Izuku in a panic.

"Hey, it's alright I'm still right here. Want me to show you it's alright? I'll go first to show you no one is going to hurt you." Izuku held the trembling girl's arms trying to soothe her. Izuku then held out his arm to Recovery Girl and she got the hint as she began to prepare his arm for a vial of blood. Eri still clinging to Izuku watched as the nurse carefully stuck him with the needle. She looked up at his face to show no hints of pain. After the nurse was done Izuku smiled gently at the little girl. "See easy peasy." He said.

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