34: The Big Three

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The date was a day Izuku would remember for the rest of his life. When Ochako and Izuku returned to the dorms and bed, they both dreamed of it.

In the morning, the classroom was filled with everyone in their seats. Aizawa walked in with his now regular 'teacher-dad' mug and stood at the podium. "We will be discussing where you go from here. Now that you all have your provisional licenses, you can apply for an internship with a hero. It doesn't have to be with the same heroes from the last internship but it can. They might not want you brats back and if they don't you can branch out and ask whoever you want." He said with a shrug at the end. "Now, here are some third year students. They are at the top of the UA and named the big three." He gestured to the opening door.

A blond and beady eye student lead a periwinkle girl and a shy looking and elf eared student. They didn't look all that strong if Izuku said so himself but he knows appearance can be deceiving. They stood in a row in front of the class. They introduced themselves as Mirio Togata, Nejire Hado, and Tamaki Amajiki. Nejire got distracted while introducing herself.

"I heard that UA's monster is in this class! Where is he?!" She shouted out and looked at the boys trying to determine who it is. The class was surprised that was her first question and so bluntly.

The whole class looked at Izuku and then Izuku pointed to Mineta behind him. "Here he is." Shoving the short boy under the bus for him. The class did their best to keep a straight face but some cracked just a bit.

The older girl flew straight at a confused Mineta. She picked him up and the stars in her eyes died out. "You're not him, the videos show Rip n Tear being taller." And promptly dropped him. The class burst out laughing at the scene. "Go to hell you guys!" Mineta got back up and shouted.

"Why am I called the UA monster?" Izuku asked chucking. The class gave him a deadpan look.

Nejire turned to him in a flash but was held back by her shoulders by Izuku who predicted that she wouldn't care for personal space. She shot off questions at him. "Is it really you? What is your suit made of? What's your quirk? How does it work? Is it true that you beat Vlad King? How many people have you killed?" She rapid fired at him while being held back.

Mirio winced at the last question and noticed the rest of the class just looking weirdly at his classmate. The whole time while the questions were being shot at him, he only raised an eyebrow at her.

Once she ran out of breath, Izuku spoke up. "Are you sure this is the UA big three?" He said looking at Aizawa. His teacher only sighed at the display.

Mirio pulled his classmate back to the front of the class and said to the class. "Well, if you don't believe our rank then fight me all at once!" He said with a smile, the two beside him shot a look at him then looked away again. Izuku wondered if those looks meant they didn't think he could win 20 to 1 or if he was very strong. Either way, he would like to find out.

The class looked outraged at being called out like that but was silenced by Izuku standing up. "Let's go get changed into our gym uniform then." The class followed and Aizawa sighed even more heavier.

The class and the big three met up at the gym for their battle against the single students. While he was very energetic and smiling the whole time the class had known him, they didn't let their guard down. The whole class was arrayed in a half circle with the provisional licenses exam teams they made up split in the middle. Aizawa noted this and approved of their tactics.

"Come at me all at once or one at a time, it won't make a difference!" Mirio said to the class before him. His two classmates sat to the side watching.

Shinso was the first to speak. "Wait, what are the rules? I like to know where the line is so I don't cross it." Izuku immediately picked up on the look in his eye and prepared, he played along and nodded his agreement to the question.

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