57: War Preparations

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Izuku woke up the next morning with a dry mouth and a slight headache. He groaned internally and buried his face into the soft surface in front of him. The relief of the darkening room was followed by a giggle resonating from the soft surface he buried his face in. He felt arms wrap around his head as Ochako pushed his head into her stomach.

With the softest whisper. "How is your first hangover?" He could hear her smirk without having to see it.

"It sucks, but I think I had worse." He recalled getting sick when he was younger and thought he was going to die in his miserable state.

Another giggle. "Well, now you know not to drink so much." She buried her face into his hair and then pulled back. "Why do you smell like dust?" She recognized that smell from many training exercises with broken cement.

"Villain attacked Endeavor and threw him thru a wall, I shot him." His voice was muffled by his girlfriend's abdomen.

There was a pause. "Are they dead?"

"Endeavor, no. Villain, no. Beanbag shot." He explained as he tore a portal without looking and pulling a shell from an example. She took it and looked it over before tossing it back thru the portal.

There was another yawn and some shuffling of sheets. Eri leaned over Ochako and patted Izuku on his head. "Morning, Dad."

"Morning, little one." He smiled at the greeting.

The young family snuggled together for a while longer before everyone began to get ready for Monday morning. Izuku winced and squinted the whole time while getting dressed and Ochako smirked at his reactions. They made it down to the kitchen where most of the class was already there and eating. Inko was helping to cook some things up for some whiles others already had food in front of them.

Todoroki was already at the table eating when Izuku came down. He tried to keep a smirk off of his face when his friend was squinting at the light.

Inko, ever perceptive, saw her son act unusual but didn't have any immediate proof of what was wrong. She passed him while setting plates of food down for some and tried to get a read of what was going on. She ruffled his already messy hair when she passed again and he subtly winced, like a headache. She stopped in her step and realized it was a hangover. Her eyes snapped to the split haired boy. He startled ever so slightly and averted his eyes.

"You all have a wonderful day, I have some errands to run and some calls to make." She said to the kitchen. She hugged Eri and then Ochako. She then hugged Izuku and whispered. "I know." He stiffened in her hug and she walked off with most of the class saying goodbye to their dorm mother.

Izuku sat with a pale complexion when Inko left. "Fuck, she knows!" He grabbed his hair as he whisper shouted and that made the headache even worse.

"Knows what?" Mina asked by Eri's side.

She was ignored as Izuku tore a portal for his phone and quickly texted Rumi. 'She knows!' Most of the class watched their class monster panic slightly as he sat at the kitchen table. He looked at his phone when it pinged with a message and he looked down and grimaced before throwing it thru the still open portal. Izuku hung his head in seeming defeat and Ochako patted and rubbed his back for comfort. The class tried to piece everything together but they had vital pieces missing.

"Is...is everything alright, Midoriya?" Yayoruzo hesitantly asked.

He groaned. "Just some personal stuff nothing bad but it gonna be a pain later." He glanced at Todoroki.

"Your fault." Todoroki said simply.

Izuku wanted to say something but he was right, so instead, he glared at him. Some of the class began to whispered to each other to try to find out what was going on. They knew it had to do with Todoroki, given the interaction they just had. Jirou and Shoji were asked if they heard anything but the Midoriyas never spoke a word of what was going on.

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