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10:20 A.M

Charles Ugwuoke stared at the young lady as she walked away with her friend. He could remember her from last night's party, she was all alone, refused to drink while others drank to stupor enjoying their selves. At the particular time he saw her, he could recognize her from their childhood and was so tempted to speak to her but refrained from doing so. He noticed she wasn't dressed like most girls, half-naked, blatantly looking for attention and at that point, he had respect for her. He had never said this before to any girl in all the twenty years of his life, but she was so beautiful, not hot or sexy like other girls. Really beautiful.

"Who's that girl and what's her name?" He asked Rhema, his childhood bestfriend who was also a direct student in the physics department.

"Who? The dark sexy one or the fair curvy one?"

"The fair" He responded still staring as they went to the quadrangle.

"Oh! That's Rose. I've never spoken to her because she keeps to herself. She looks innocent." Rhema replied staring lustily at the other girl's back.

"Snap out of it bro." He glared at Rhema thinking he was also staring at Rose and muttered silently; "She's mine." Rhema didn't seem to hear what he said but continued staring lustily at Susan who could no longer be seen at the quadrangle.

"Charles!" He heard a loud shrieky voice calling his name while walking toward him.

"Hey, Grace." He greeted her and she batted her fake eyelashes at him, her hands on his vintage shirt.

"Are you busy tonight?" She asked him and smiled at Rhema who winked at her.

He knew what she meant and he is more than willing to oblige. "How about you meet me in my apartment by 8 pm."

"Will be there." She pecked him, winked, and moved to greet other guys swaying her sexy hips.

Girls, they are so cheap. At least she'd be the third girl warming his bed tonight. He thought and smirked. He waved goodbye to the rest of his course mate, dragged Rhema along, and they left. He was famished.

11:06 A.M

Charles walked into the restaurant to get something to fill his hungry stomach together with his bestfriend, Rhema.

Different food vendors were selling different delicacies, a plasma TV was attached to the wall to entertain the hungry customers who came to eat. Different colours of tables and chairs surrounded the large Hall.

Charles walked up together with his friend to a woman known for selling the best jollof rice, he ordered his food with chicken while Rhema ordered fried rice, spaghetti, and chicken. He paid for both meals and they carried their delicious delicacies to a nearby table. On reaching there, he saw Susan and beautiful Rose. He nudged his friend and together they went to meet Susan and Rose.

"Hey guys, may we seat?" He asked but didn't wait for their reply before settling himself in the seat close to Rose.

"Hey girls! Hey Susan." Rhema greeted to which they responded.

"Hi." Charles began, trying to start a conversation with her.

"Hi." She replied and kept on eating her food which includes Jollof rice, and spaghetti with an egg.

"Are you a parking ticket? Cause you've got fine written all over you." He recited, trying one of his smoothest pick-up lines he learned from the internet to woo girls. Instead, she just looked at him as if he had grown two horns.

"What are you trying to say?"

"Was trying one of my lines, but it seems it didn't work on you."

"It almost but I was quick to know where you were heading to." She stated, smiling sweetly at him. His heart did some somersault.

"Wow! Smart. Do you have a name or can I call you mine?" He tried another even though he knew her name.

She laughed and answered, "I'm Rose and you're?"

"I'm Charles. Your name fits you perfectly."

"Better than mine?" She asked with an amused expression blatantly drawn on her face.

"For now." He whispered but he was sure she heard him, she continued eating her food and Charles stared at her adoringly oblivious to the other two watching them.

She's so beautiful. He thought and when she looked at him, he realized he thought loudly. To ease the awkwardness, he turned to his food and ate heartily enjoying the taste of the Jollof rice. It took Charles about six minutes for him to finish his plate of food. He glanced at Rose and noticed she was yet to finish hers. The other two were already through and were talking and laughing animatedly at each other. After what seemed like forever but in reality, it was only three minutes, Rose was also through with hers and was finishing her bottle of Fanta.

"Rose are you through?" Susan asked and Rose nodded her head. "Let's get going, see you guys later."

"Wait!" He stopped her as she was about to stand up and says; " I seem to have lost my phone number. Can I get yours?" Rose chuckled.

"I'm sorry but I think I lost mine too." She replied sarcastically.

"Damn! I never knew you were like this." Rhema spoke while Rose looked at him.

"And you are?" Rose questioned, smiling at him.

"Sorry my bad, I'm Rhema. Not the young Nigerian artiste but I think I'm better than him. You're Rose right?"

"Yeah." She responded and they shook hands. Charles had the urge to pull their hands apart but knew she wasn't his yet. Just yet.

"We ought to go." Rose said nudging Susan.

"Yeah, goodbye." Susan agreed and the two girls walked away.

"Man, you're falling for her." Rhema teased him.

"I guess," Charles said as he stared at the two figures walking out of the restaurant.

"No guessing man. You're falling. Don't Sha fall too hard, you don't know her yet."

"I've you heard of love at first sight?" Charles asked him.

"Who hasn't had of that stuff. It's nonsense and I don't think it has ever happened before, who would fall for a girl at first sight if it isn't lusting?"

"Well, I. I think I'm falling in love. She's different and cute." Charles said, even though he knew her since childhood.

"Don't say I didn't warn you. Cut the feeling off. Let's go lover boy." And they left.

* * *

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