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Charles smiled as he felt her hand squeezing his. He also squeezed hers and smiled at her. He could see that she was embarrassed about what she did.

Bryan smiled as his parents were really enjoying themselves and he hoped that they would get back together soon. He was tired of waiting and was eager to have a complete family, but the problem now is that he needed to take some popcorn from the popcorn bowl. Should he just put his hand into the bowl and take some? But how could he when his parent's hands are still in the large popcorn bowl?

Rose was so embarrassed that she didn't want to remove her hands first, so she continued smiling at Charles who was also smiling at her.

"Mom? Dad? Can I take some popcorn?" Bryan asked his parents, a sign telling them that they have held their hands enough. Both Charles and Rose felt embarrassed and Rose's embarrassment was on a different level. It was so high that she thanked her God that the cinema was dark, if not, she was afraid her cheek would be as red as a tomato.

"Yes... yes, you can son." Rose stuttered as she untangled her hand from that of Charles.

Both Charles and Rose kept their hands to themselves, their hands akimbo, no one daring to put their hand into the popcorn bowl, and that was how they were till the end of the movie.

"That was a really interesting movie. I enjoyed it." Said Rose as the little family came out of the cinema.

"Me too." Added Bryan, "dad, where are we going after this? Oh! The beach!"

"The beach?"

"Yes, mom. The beach."

Rose looked at Charles silently asking him if they were really going to the beach.

"Yes." Was his response.

"But I don't have my beach wears."

"We can just rent one. Even I and Bryan didn't bring ours."

"But why the beach? Why not the amusement park or something?"

"Noo! I've gone to the amusement park a lot."

"But you haven't gone with your father before. It's going to be different. I don't want to go to the beach. Everywhere is cold. I hate cold, you know that Bryan."

"Yeah. Yeah. Daddy let's go to the amusement park."

"Anywhere you want to go, I'll go with you," Charles said, smiling at his cute son.

"Alright, it's settled then, amusement park it is." They all went into Charles' car who drove his family to the most popular amusement park.

"Wow! I've not been to this one before!" Exclaimed Bryan.

"So do I." Rose also stated.

"Then let's go and enjoy! Which one do you want to ride, Bryan?"

"The ferris-wheel!"

"Is that all?"

"No, then car ride. That one over there!"

"Okay, okay!" Charles laughed at his son's enthusiasm.

"Both of you will ride with me also."

"What?!" Exclaimed Rose.

"Please mommy..." Bryan begged showing his mom cute puppy eyes who reluctantly accepted.

"Alright, alright. I will."

"Then let's go get the ticket!" Charles said matching his son's enthusiastic voice.


"Which one should we do first?"

"The ferris-wheel!"

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