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"Hello, I'm Pearl." Little Charles stared at the little girl who introduced herself to him. She is pretty. He thought as he stretched out his right hand to acknowledge hers.

"I'm Charles." He replied and smile at the little girl who also smiled at him, a very pretty smile.

"Nice to meet you, Charles."

"Nice to meet you too, Pearl. So Pearl, how old are you?"

"I'm five years old, you?"

"I'm six years old. Are you here with your dad?"

"Yes, I think your dad and mine are friends."

"Which one is your daddy?" Charles asked her, referring to the two men sitting beside his dad, talking and laughing, in his dad's house.

"The one wearing a red polo," Pearl explained.

"Ohhh..." he could see another young boy around their age with his dad's third friend. Maybe he is his son. He thought.

"Since our daddies are friends, can I be your friend also?" Pearl asked him.

"Yes, you can Pearl, let's be friends."

"Friends forever! "

"Friends forever." Charles agreed and the duo did a pinky promise. Charles sees his other best friend and calls him over.

"Hi." Pearl greeted the dark-skinned boy.

"Hi." The boy replied.

"Rhema, this is my new friend, Pearl, and Pearl, this is my best friend and neighbor, Rhema." Charles introduced.

"Hello, Rhema, nice to meet you." Pearl stretched her right hand forward for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you too, Pearl." He shook her right hand.

"So how long have you two been friends?" Pearl asked them.

"Since I started identifying people I guess, we also attend the same school, so we just became friends, naturally."

"Ohh, so Rhema you're also six, right?"

"Yes, you too?"

"No, I'm five. I'll be six next month, on the 24th of March. I would be celebrating it, will you boys come?"

" If you invite us, we will." Charles reasoned.

"Of course, I invite you boys, you're my friends, right?"

"Yes!" They both respond.

"Who's that?" Rhema asked referring to the young boy that was coming their way.

"We don't know."

"Hello." The young boy greets, smiling.

"Hello." The trio responds.

"I'm Martins, my dad said I should come to play with you guys."

"I'm Charles."

"I'm Pearl."

"I'm Rhema."

"Can I be your friend?" He asked them hopefully.

"Of course." They answered.

"You can also come to my birthday party. I invite you, my friend."

"Thanks, Pearl."

"You're welcome. Friends!" She shouted with her palm outstretched.

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