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Rose didn't know what to do anymore, Charles had gone ahead and had done a DNA test, what Diamond had warned her about, but she didn't feel that he would be that fast, he was so fast in finding out the truth himself, there was nothing she could do anymore, she couldn't deny it anymore. She stared at the DNA result and sighed.

"Why?" She asked him.

"Why what?"

"Why did you do a DNA test on my son without my permission, Charles."

"Rose, I'd you had told me the truth about our son," he emphasized on the word 'our', " I wouldn't have done a DNA test on him."

Rose couldn't say anything, it was true, she didn't tell him who Bryan was because she was scared. Scared of what Charles would do once he finds out about Bryan, and now that what she'd been dreading had come to pass, she didn't know what else she could do, she just hoped that he wouldn't take it so hard on her, for hiding the truth about his child and even when he had asked her, she still refused to say anything. She can't blame him, she can't, if she had told him the damn truth, he… he… she didn't even know what he would do if he's had told him sooner.

"Rose…" Charles called seeing as she was lost.


"We can't talk here, get into the car "

"No, I brought my car, let's just talk here, now you've known the truth about Bryan, what do you plan to do about it?"

"Rose, I won't say anything until we go to a reasonable place to talk."

"But here is enough to talk, there's hardly anyone here."

" No, Rose," He disagreed.

" Then suit yourself, Charles," with that she left him standing and zoomed off for the second time that day.

He was pissed. Wasn't she supposed to beg him so that she would hear what he had to say? My God! This Rose was on another level, this wasn't the Rose he knew then, this Rose was a thorn to his heart, but he loves challenges and he loves the chase. He would get her back, with his son. No doubt.


Charles entered his car and drove straight to Sapphire's house. He reached her house and  rang the doorbell which was answered by their maid.

"Oga sir, good evening."

"Good evening Nneka, how are you?" Charles asked out of courtesy.

"I'm fine sir."

"What about your madam?" He asked Nneka who was busy gawking at him. He knew he was so handsome, but the person he wants to gawk at him wasn't even sparing him a second glance.

" oh! Madam dey inside sir, come in."

"Alright." Charles entered into the large living room.

"My in-law!" Adam greeted as soon as he saw Charles entering the living room.

"Adam, Adam, how are you na?"

"I dey fine oo"

"How has work been?"

"Work has been so stressful…"

"So that's why I haven't seen you since a month I came back, huh?"

" Sorry man, I was so busy."

*And so was I, but I still created time to come visit."

"Welcome, sit down my honorable in-law."

"Stop this your teasing," but he sat down anyway.

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