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A week after the first visit to Rose's house to see his son, Charles became a regular visitor in the house of Rose. Success always made sure she didn't see him, and neither did he.

"Mummy, dad says he's coming to pick me up, so we can go to the cinema together. Will you join us?"

"No, my dear. I won't. I'm so sorry."

"But mummy, why?"

"I don't have time, dear. Go with your father and have a good time okay?"

"But it won't be a good time if you aren't there."

"Bryan, trust me, it would be a good time, you won't even notice my absence, I'm positive. Get ready, your father will be here soon."

"Yes, mummy, but you still have to come, please mummy, please. Grandma..."

"Yes, Bryan?"

"Please tell mummy to follow us to the cinema, please...."

"Bryan, I can't force your mother to do what she doesn't want to do."

"But you're her mother, she would surely listen to you, Grandma."

"Alright, alright Bryan. I will come. Happy?"

"Yayyyyy! Thank you, mummy. Thank you." Bryan ran up the stairs to his room so eager to tell his father about the progress of his persuasion. Two days ago, when he asked his father why he didn't get back together with his mother, his father had told him that his mom was still angry at him and that he needed his help so he can win his mom back. Well, Bryan had agreed, because nothing was so beautiful as seeing his parents together. He had seen other children with loving parents and now that he was sure he had a father, he would do anything to persuade his mom to get back together with his dad, so they can live like a normal family. That was his aim and his plan, and he has started implementing it. Today, being Saturday, they would go to the cinema to watch any latest movie that would be showing, then after that, they would go to the beach before heading back home. That was both he and his dad's plan, and it must come to pass.

Bryan quickly sorted out clothes for his outing and made his way back downstairs, to the sitting room. He could hear the sound of his dad's car entering their compound.

"Dad is here! Dad is here!" Bryan rejoices and looked at his mother, "Mom! Why haven't you dressed yet?"

"I have to take permission from your dad first, I don't want to invade you guy's outing. No, in fact, I want your dad to invite me himself, that's why I haven't dressed up yet."

"Mom, but I invited you, no, you've been invited automatically already, you don't need dad to invite you first." He said and his mother chuckled.

"Bryan, you don't understand." As soon as she said that, the doorbell rang, "that must be him, Bryan, go and open the door for you daddy."

"Yes, mummy." He ran to the door and opened the door, "Daddy!!!" Bryan screamed and hugged his father.

"Bryan!!!" Charles also did the same and hugged his son. Rose smiled at the two of them, she could see that they were getting extremely close just this one week of meeting themselves. "Rose, hi." Charles greeted her.

"Hi." She responded.

"Are you coming with us?" Charles asked.

"Unfortunately, no."


"I don't want to disrupt your date," Rose said.

"No, please come with us."

"If I come with you guys, I'll become the third wheel." She said.

"I doubt that. You can never become the third wheel. We... We are a family. Everyone is important." Charles said.

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