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Charles sat on his office chair, thinking. Lately, he had been thinking about Rose quite often since he saw her three days ago. He had this urge to call her but anytime he tried to do so, he remembered he didn't have her number, only the company's email. He knew he couldn't last another day without seeing her, he ought to see her. He picked up his office telephone and called his secretary.

"Hello, sir?"

"Come to my office now, I want to speak with you."

"Alright sir " Baron replied. Seconds later, he heard a knock on his door.

"Come on in." Charles invited as Mr. Baron entered his office.

"I want you to take me to miss Rose's company."

"Sir, is this about the website?"

"No, no, it's not. It's nothing related to work."

"Alright sir, when do you wish to go?"

"When you're through with your work for the day."

"Alright, sir." As he was about to leave, Charles stopped him.

" And when will you be through with your work?"

"Umm ... By 6 pm."

" What?! That's like in two hours to go? No no, take me there now, after you've dropped me off, you can come back here."

"Alright, sir."

The drive to Richson Tech took about thirty minutes as he had expected, he checked his time and smiled as he saw it was just forty-five minutes past the hour of four.

* * * * *

"Ma, there's a man here to see you." Peace informed her.

"A man?"

"Yes, ma."

"And did you ask him his name?"

"Yes, I did, ma."


"He refused to tell me his name, ma."

"Hmm..." Rose immediately knew it was no other person than Charles, "do I have an appointment with this said person?"

"No, ma."

"Then tell him I'm busy."

"Alright ma," Peace went out to inform Charles, "sir, she's so busy, she can't see you, sir, maybe you should make an appointment."

"What?! Okay, please tell her, Mr. Charles is here to see her, and just so you know, I won't leave until I see her, today. So do whatever you can to get her to see me." Charles threatened.

Peace went back to her boss's office to deliver the message. Rose sighed knowing fully well that Charles meant what he said.

"Tell him to come in." She ordered.

"Alright, ma."

Thirty seconds later, Charles entered the office.

"Hello, Rose."

"Hello, Mr. Charles, what is it that you want from me?"

"I want you." He said, smiling.

"Well, I don't want you, Mr. Charles."

"Rose," Charles sat down uninvited, on the swivel chair opposite her, his eyes in all seriousness, "we need to talk."

"Mr. Charles, as I said before, once I'm through with the websi-"

"Rose, you know that's not why I'm here." He interjected.

"And why are you here, Mr. Charles?"

"What's with these formalities?"

"Mr. Charles, I don't understand, if you have nothing to say, then I must say, you should take your leave, Mr-"

"To hell with this Mr, Mr, you've been spluttering! Rose, look at me, it's me Charles, your... your lover."

"I don't have anything to say to you aside from business talk, Mr. Charles," Rose said.

"Okay then, we have an unfinished business."

" Yes, Mr. Charles, we do have an unfinished business, and I know you're so eager to see the website, I promise I'd speed up the creation of the website, I promise." She said, professionally.

Charles stared deeply at Rose, seeing she wasn't ready to speak in the language that he would understand.

"You know what I mean, I'm not talking about the creation of a damn, bloody website." Rose looked at him and immediately, she remembered everything he had done to her, how he had used her and dumped her, and here he was expecting her to throw everything away and accept him back?

"I'm sorry..."

"You're sorry? For what exactly, Mr. Charles?"

"Rose, I'm so sorry, for everything, mostly for the bet."

" I don't understand what you're talking about..." She feigned ignorance.

Charles continued nonetheless; "After the article, I tried calling your line, but as I vividly remember, your line wasn't reachable, for weeks Rose, I called you, I even sent you messages, I did everything I could in my power to find you, but I couldn't find you. I know I've hurt you badly, but the article, I didn't do it. It wasn't me, I swear, I wouldn't do that to you, I loved you and I still do even though I know you hate me now. I will make it up to you..." He stood up, took a piece of business card that was on her table, looked at Rose again, then left her office.

Rose busted out crying the moment he left her office, she has never expected that Charles would apologize, heck she had always dreamed of him apologizing to her. In some of her dreams, she always sees him apologizing, and then, later on, she would forgive him, but that was a dream. In reality, she still didn't have the heart to forgive him yet, she knew she would forgive him someday, but it won't be soon. Because once she forgave him, he would expect more from her, a relationship or a second chance and she wasn't ready for that, she wasn't ready for another heartbreak, and heck, she wasn't ready for him to find out about Bryan. She assumed that once he finds out about Bryan, he would do everything in his power to seek his custody, and even blame her for not telling him about his son. She had already pictured everything and was scared, so she vowed she won't let him get close to her again, she would finish any business she had with him, tell him off and move on with her life. A life without a certain Charles Ugwuoke.

* * * * *

"A young man came to visit Rose today," Richard told his wife as soon as she entered their bedroom, she had just finished putting Emerald to bed.

"Did you get his name?" Diamond asked him as she sat on their bed.

" Not really, I didn't really get the gist, call Rose and ask her."

" If it is something worth telling, Rose would surely inform me." Diamond said sounding so sure.

" The two of you bond sef, just dey make me wonder." He kissed his wife goodnight before joining her on the bed.

He loves his wife. She was a wonderful wife and mother. At first, he was so worried when he got married because of the nature of her job which had always got him thinking, but Diamond surprised him a year after they had gotten married by changing her job to an air ticketer. When he had asked her why she changed her job, her answer had been;

"I know you always worry anytime I jump on the plane, and besides we need to start thinking of having our children. I can't keep on jumping on different planes when I'm pregnant. So I decided to change to a less stressful job, that's so much safer."

"Are you happy with it?" He had asked her worriedly.

"Yes, yes I am. Even though I love being a flight attendant, I also love my family." He has given her a very passionate kiss after her explanation and had given God a very big offering for blessing him with a wonderful, loving, caring, thoughtful, and most of all, a beautiful wife.

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