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Rose shook nervously as she peed on the stick. Diamond had told her that after three minutes, the result would be visible. She had also said that if a line showed, she wasn't pregnant but if two lines showed, she was pregnant.

After three minutes, her life would either be ruined or would stay the same. She prayed silently, hoping in her heart that the result would be negative. A hope which was crushed the moment she saw the lines. She was pregnant. She fell to her knees and cried. Her life was ruined already, she was pregnant at age nineteen.

"So what's the result?" Diamond asked, barging into the toilet. Rose looked at her with tears in her eyes while giving the pregnancy stick to her.

"I'm... I'm pregnant." She cried uncontrollably.

"Oh, my dear."

"My life is ruined! Ruined!" Diamond rushed to her side and comforted her.

"Your life isn't ruined Rose, it isn't, you can still accomplish great things even as a single mother, you can, don't look down on yourself, what's done is done, you can't change it... And don't even think of aborting, it's not an option, I won't allow it. "


"No buts Rose, abortion is not an option Rose, you can risk your life in the process and I don't want to lose you again, and neither do mommy."

"Then I won't abort it, I'm just scared, mommy will be disappointed, she has already warned us not to engage in premarital sex until marriage but I didn't listen, I don't even know how to tell mommy."

"You don't know how to tell me what?" Success asked as soon she entered the room, she went to the toilet, "what is the thing you don't know how to tell me? Ehn? Rose?" Rose shook nervously as tears poured out of her eyes. Success could see the pregnancy stick Diamond was holding. She stared at Rose with a pained expression.

"Rose, are you pregnant? Or is it you, Diamond?"

"No mom, it isn't me."

"Mom, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Rose fell to her knees as she begged her mom.

"Wow! I can't believe this, Rose I sent you to school and you got yourself pregnant? Ehn? Rose, I'm asking you!" Success roared.

"Mommy, I'm so sorry I disappointed you, I'm so sorry I disobeyed you, please forgive me." She cried, regret filling her heart, how she wish she could turn the time. "Mommy please, I'm sorry, Diamond..." she called for intervention but saw that Diamond was also crying.

"Mom, she's sorry"

"I can't talk now, I can't please." Success rushed out of the room, feeling heavy and disappointed.

* * * * *

10:13 P.M

"So who's the father of the baby?" Her mom asked her after she had calmed down.

"His name is Charles, Charles Ugwuoke."

"Charles... You guys dated or were you raped?"

"We dated, I wasn't raped mom"

" You weren't raped, so you willing engage in premarital sex, ehn? After I have given you girls series on warning concerning that, now see, look at what you've done to yourself, you're happy now abi?"

"No mommy"

"When an elderly person is giving you young ones advice, you will think the person is speaking gibberish, just listen and obey, you refuse, you want to know, just knowing is okay, but you didn't stop at knowing, you went ahead and practiced it, now see where it has landed you, it won't affect the boy, it's you that will bear all the pains of child bearing, instead of you to wait till you get married so that your husband can take care of you during that time, you didn't. Now you're pregnant, unmarried, haven't finished university, don't have a job, there's nothing you've achieved for yourself, absolutely nothing, you're not even sure of your future any longer. Like I've said before, all boys know is sex, they will profess their undying love for you until you open your legs for them, even during sex they aren't the ones that will be in pain, it's you, you will bear the pain, while they will enjoy it, you will now still get pregnant on top of it if he did not use protection, and after he has used you, he will now move on to the other available girl and do the same... Hmmm, well it's already too late for you" Success poured out her mind which made Rose cry in regret.

"I'm sorry I disappointed you, mommy."

"Sorry for yourself, what do you call the name of that boy again?"

"Charles Ugwuoke."


"Yes, mummy, Ugwuoke, Peter Ugwuoke, daddy's friend that..." Diamond explained, crying softly.

"Jesus!!! Peter's son!"

"Who's Peter?" Rose asked, confused. Why was she always in the dark? Who the heck was Peter? She knew she lost her memories sometimes when she was young, was this Peter in her memories, the memories she had with her father?

"Mom, this matter is very serious, this isn't about Rose being pregnant anymore, there's more to it, we have to find a way to solve this mess." Diamond suggested.

"Mom, do you by any chance know them?" Rose asked.

"Yes, we knew them way back before... before..." Her mom stuttered, "Anyways, he must not know of this pregnancy, because anything that involves the Ugwuokes is not normal at all and must be taken seriously."

Rose sighed knowing she had no say in the matter again, but she still wondered how her sister and her mother knew them and why they hated them.

"Rose listen to me and listen carefully, hold your ears" Success commanded and Rose obeyed. "Nobody, I repeat nobody in your school must know of this pregnancy. In fact, bring your phone." Rose passed her phone to her mom. Success removed the sim cards and broke them. "If you still have any of their contacts saved in your Google account, delete them all. Okay?"

"Yes, mom"

"And also, don't tell him about this pregnancy, do you hear me?"

"Yes mom, I plan on not telling him about it."

"Good, because you aren't going back to that school."

"Alright mom"

"I'll enroll you in another university and as for your properties in school, I'd help you get it." Diamond supported.

"Thank you, sis, thank you mom, I love you guys so much."

"I love you too Lil sis."

"I love you too my baby, we'll sort this out, we will my child." And they did.

A/N: Thank you for stopping by to read this book. Please don't forget to vote, comment and share. Positive comments please. Thanks guys. ILYSSM🥰🥰

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