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ROOM  301

Rose Nkem picked up her phone and checked the time. It was 15 minutes past the hour of 7 and she was supposed to have Electronics which was her first class of the day by 8 am. It was a class that all physics science students dared not miss. She groaned as she stood up from her bed to take her bucket and her bathing bag which contained everything needed to bathe and brush.

"Good morning Miriam." She greeted the only roommate that was awake while others were still asleep in the eight-man's room.

"Good morning dear, how was your night?" Miriam asked her.

"It was fine, thank you."

She looked round the room in search of her friend but didn't find her. She might still be at the party. She thought as she undressed, tied her towel, and left the room heading to the toilet. Halfway through, she bumped into someone.

"Ow! Geez! Can't you look at where you're going?" Her betrayal of a friend hollered.

"Sorry Susan, but I think that's karma for ditching me at the party you practically forced me to go knowing I don't know a single soul there."

"God punish karma. Now my headache has increased." She stomped her feet and continued going when Rose yelled;

"When did you get back?!"

"This morning, Rose, see you at the class." She yelled back answering Rose who had already continued her journey to the toilet.

Since it was still very early, there were few girls at the toilet doing their morning routines, some were brushing their teeth while some were taking their baths as fast as they could, some were washing their clothes even though it was prohibited to wash in the toilet, some were just looking at themselves at the mirror probably finding out how big their boobs or butt has grown, Rose marched to the tap and turned it on just to find out there wasn't single water coming out of it.

Just great! She thought. She walked up to a fair lady brushing her teeth and asked;

"Please, where did you get water?"

"Downstairs, there isn't water on any of the floors, just go downstairs straight." The fair lady explained, Rose thanked her taking her bucket which contained her bathing bag and hurried downstairs praying she won't be stopped by the portal for tying a towel. As she reached the ground floor, she thanked her God for answering her short prayer for there wasn't a single person in the portal room. She continued her journey to the tap and groaned again when she saw there was a long queue awaiting her. The day, being Wednesday was already getting tiring.

How will she get to her class early now? She thought regretting ever following Susan to the party that she didn't even enjoy. It took about twenty minutes before it was her turn, she fetched her water and tiredly carried her bucket so she could begin the journey up to the third floor.

8:26 A.M

"Rose, you're so late, what the hell happened?" Susan whispered at her as she entered the Hall where her lecture was already taking place.

"Hush!" She cautioned her friend who was sitting at the back of the class probably because she was late also.

As usual, the class was so full since it was one of the most important courses they were to offer. PHS 216 lecturer, to which she didn't know his name was a very strict man who calls the attendance himself. In conclusion, it was a must-go class unless you want to fail.

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