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Rose didn't know when the tray she was holding fell to the ground, it was as result of those words her son asked Charles.


"Mom!" Father and son ran to meet Rose to check up on her.

"Nothing, nothing, I was... I was just shocked." Rose assured them.

"Let me pack the glasses." Charles offered.

"No, don't worry, I will do it."

"No, I don't want you to hurt yourself, let me do it, where do you keep your broom?"

"Charles, don't worry, I will."

"Okay, you adults, I will do it. Go and sit down." Bryan put in.

"No!" Both Charles and Rose shouted.

"I'll do it, and that's final." Rose said and went back to the kitchen to get the broom and father and son went back to their seats. Minutes later, Rose was back and had swept away the broken glasses.

"Here is five-alive juice, I hope you can drink it?"

"Yes, I can." Charles replied. Rose passed him a glass and she gave Bryan his and took hers.

"So, as I asked before, are you my father? Mom, is he my father? I just have this... this feeling that he's my father. So are you, Mr. Charles?"

Both Charles and Rose stared at each other before replying; "Yes."

"I knew it! I knew it!" Exclaimed Bryan.

"You knew he was your father? Or you just had the feeling?" Asked Rose. She was a bit surprised.

"I knew he was my father the day he came to my school, he showed me a picture that resembled me, just that I have never had that kind of clothes before, and the haircut was different. It was then that I knew he was my father, but I wanted to be extra sure."


"Daddy!" Bryan ran to hug his father, "I've been waiting for this day." Said Bryan.

"Me, too."

"Mom, thank you, for showing me my father." Bryan appreciated.

"It's the right thing to do, Bryan." Rose said, tears threatening to fall out of her eyes as she saw father and son hugging themselves as if they never want to be apart from each other.

"Ehen, Mom, dad gave me this." Bryan showed her the gift his father gave him, "can I open it?"

"Yes, you can, Bryan." Bryan brought out the wrapped gift from the paper bag, opening it as quick as he could as he was eager to know what his father got him.

"Wow!" Exclaimed Bryan as he saw the gift his father gave him. "Thank you, daddy!"

"You like it?" Asked Charles, nervously.

"Yes dad, I love it."

"I've been wanting to have an ipad of my own, all my classmates has theirs."

"But, Bryan, I got you a laptop, an apple laptop, didn't I?"

"Yes mummy."

"So why didn't you tell me you wanted an ipad, I could have gotten that also for you."

"Mom, I didn't want to disturb you."

"You could have, I was making money for you, so you can be comfortable and have whatever thing you ever wanted." Rose protested, tears at the brink of her eyes.

"I'm sorry mom."

"That's okay."

"Thank you daddy."

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