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MONDAY, 4:17 P.M.

"Ahn ahn, Rose, what happened? Why did you come back home?" Success Nkem, Rose's mom inquired as she opened the door for Rose to enter.

"Nothing really mom, it's just that they've canceled all of my classes this week also." She lied.

"Oh... Is that so? Cause I was already getting worried. "

"Nothing to worry about mom, I'm fine. " She felt bad within her as she lied to her mom but she knew she can't tell her mom what really happened so she would not be bothered. "Is Diam still around?"

"Yes, she's inside the room."

"Okay mom, I'll head inside now." She entered her room, the room she also shares with her sister.

Diamond was sprawled on the bed, so engrossed with her phone.


"Rose! Ahn ahn, what happened, why are you back from school?"

"My classes have been canceled for the week." She lied again.

"You sure? Hmmm, I can feel something's wrong." Diamond insisted not quite believing the lie she spat. Diamond had always been like that, had always noticed when something was wrong with her and had always urged her until she spilled the truth.

"Nothing, Diam, seriously nothing." She couldn't bring herself to say anything concerning what happened today.

"Boy problem?" Diamond insisted inquisitively.

She sighed, she knew she has to say something if not Diamond wouldn't let it rest, "Yes..."

"Is it the guy you told me about last week?"

"Yes actually"

"What happened, you guys broke up? So Soon?"

"Please Diam, I'm not really ready to explain what happened." She said, sullenly.

"That serious? Hmmm, well when you are ready to talk, your big sis is always ready to listen, okay?"

"Okay." She agreed. Diamond was three years older than her and she very much respects her. She had been a role model to Rose since she was a kid and even till now, that didn't change a bit. She wants to be like her, she plans to finish school at the age of twenty-one, just like Diamond, who finished school at age twenty-one, enrolled herself in an aviation school, got her license, and is currently working as a flight attendant in 'Fly Africa', one of the biggest airlines in Africa.

Diamond had been working nonstop for the past two years, making money to fend for their family since their father is no more and their mom was already getting weak. She had forced their mom to stop working and had taken over from her, paying their bills and also sponsoring her fees in the university.

"How many weeks is your leave?"

"Wow! Rose I'm hurt, you want me gone already."

"No... It's not what I mean, I just want to know how long you'd be staying."

"Awwn...you are already missing me, I still have two more weeks left, it is a month's leave I took."

"Thank God, I'd still see you before I go back."

"Rose, seriously you're acting strange, what exactly happened between you and the guy?"

"We dated."

"Duhhh, of course, I figured that already, tell me the real gist." Diamond pouted, so eager for a gist.

"Okay, but whatever I'm going to tell you, don't tell mom. "

"Alright, but hope you are not pregnant."

"I'm not! I promise I'm not." She answered almost immediately even though she wasn't very sure herself. She remembered he used protection in the first round, but as for the second round she wasn't sure he used one.

"Good, so what exactly happened? What should I keep a secret from mom?"

"Nothing... Nothing." She thought she was ready to spill the truth, but seeing the reaction from Diamond about the pregnancy issue which she hoped wasn't true made her rethink.
"I promise I'd tell you later."

8:02 A.M.

Rose felt uncomfortable and also nauseous. She quickly got down from the bed and ran straight to the toilet to spill out the vomit that was at the peak of her throat.

She hoped it was not what she thought, and she knew she wasn't ready for it. She washed her mouth and flushed the toilet. She went back to the bed but stopped on her track when she saw Diamond was already awake with a worried expression on her face.

"What's the matter, Rose?" Diamond asked.

"I don't know, I think I'm not feeling too well, I'm purging." She lied.

"Are you sure, I thought you just vomited now?"


"Rose, come!" She obeyed and sat beside Diamond who touched her neck and forehead to check her temperature. "You're burning Rose."

"I know, I think I've caught a fever."

"Yeah, we need to see a doctor."

"No!" Rose exclaimed, scared.


"Just no, I'll go to the pharmacy and purchase some drugs."

"Hmmm... Rose there's something you aren't telling me, I've been observing you for the past three days now and I'm positive there's something wrong." Diamond held her hands, "you can confide in me, I'm all ears."

"Diam..." She cried.

"Yes, babe"

"He dumped me."

"The guy? Why?"

"I don't know..." She showed Diamond the article who read it.

"Charles? Charles Ugwuoke?"


"Charles Ugwuoke, the son of Peter Ugwuoke, owner of T.U.P.P.E.L Why? Why do they love ruining this family?"

"Ehn?" Rose asked, confused as to what Diamond was talking about.

"So is it true? The article?"


"So you slept with Charles? Ehn? Rose! Hope you used protection, you did right?"

"I... I... I-"

"You what?!"

"I don't think so"

"What?! You don't think so? You don't think so Rose, what if you are pregnant?!" Diamond asked.

"I can't be... I can't be... No... I'm too young for that, I'm too young to get pregnant Diam."

"Ehn Ehn, but you aren't too young for sex. See Rose, stop deceiving yourself and just hope you aren't pregnant like you've predicted."

"I'm positive."

"Well, dress up, let's go to the pharmacy so we can get you a pregnancy stick."

Rose stood up to get dressed, her mind in jeopardy. What if she was pregnant, what would she do? All her life plans would go to the drain, her schooling would have to stop, her sister would be disappointed in her, and also her mother, oh dear God. She couldn't bear to see the disappointment on her mother's face. Her mother had warned her and Diamond countlessly concerning premarital sex but yet she still involved herself in it. She hoped and prayed to God that her little disobedience would not lead her to her downfall. She hoped her life wouldn't be ruined, but was it?

A/N: Thank you for stopping by to read this book. Please don't forget to vote, comment and share. Positive comments please. Thanks guys. ILYSSM🥰🥰

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