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“Wow! This place is so beautiful.” Rose complimented in awe.

“I thought so that’s why I decided to bring you here.”

“Thanks, I love it.”

“You’re welcome, so are you hungry or…?”

“Yes, I am please, I’m famished.” Rose answered, she didn’t get to eat before going on this date because she was so excited. Charles waved at a waiter and a fair slim lady walked up to them.

“What would you like to order?” The waitress asked as she passed them the menu each. Charles looked at Rose and asked the same question as Rose skimmed through the menu before deciding on what she’s familiar with.

“I’d just go with jollof rice, salad and chicken.” The lady jotted what Rose ordered and faced Charles.

“How about you mister?”

“Anything she ordered, that I am with any bottle of red wine, your best.” He turned to Rose, ‘hope you don’t mind drinking wine?”

“I don’t mind except if it’s alcoholic.”

“Okay, please let it be your best non-alcoholic red wine, thanks.” He told the waitress and she jotted it down.

“alright sir, your order’s coming right up.”

“so, how are you?” Charles asked nervously, he has never being this nervous around a girl and this was definitely a first.

‘I’m good, that’s funny coming from you.” Rose replied laughing, not helping matters to Charles nervous self. He wants this date to go well. For real.

“Actually, to be sincere, I’m not that good with this, this is my first time going on a real date” as he said that, Rose gave him a ‘you’re definitely lying” look. “I’m being serious really, I’ve had lots of girlfriends but we never really went on date, it was just like a mutual arrangement, like we both benefit from each other if you know what I mean.”

“I know. I haven’t too so it’s either we try our best to overlook that or we just stare at each other achieving nothing.”

“so, how about I start with us knowing more about each other, that’s the ultimate goal behind a date right?”

“Yeah sure, so I’m Rose Nkem and I’m currently a student of Golden Fame, a 200lv student to be précised, I’m studying physics.” Rose replied sarcastically.

“c’mon Rose, you know I know all that.”

“alright, how about you ask and I reply, how’s that? Or better still you ask me a question, I reply, I ask you, you reply.’

“that’s perfect, I’ll go first. So how old are you? I never got to know your age.’

“I’m nineteen years, will be twenty in about let’s say five months from now, how about you?”

“I’m twenty, had my birthday last month.”

“oh cool, so what’s your birthdate?”

“it’s my turn, you aren’t supposed to ask that yet.” He cautioned and she laughed.

“sorry, was just a little bit curious, sorry for getting ahead of myself.”

“no probs but it would be rude not to answer that, I was born September 19, what about you, in five-month time, so that means you are a march born right? A Pisces.”

“yeah, I was born on the 24th.” As she said that, the waitress brought in their order and they feasted. When they were done, they continued their little game of getting to know each other.

“so, I’ve been meaning to ask, why did you choose Golden Fame, don’t get me wrong but I heard that you are from a very rich family, so why didn’t you just go to a private university or something.”

“that’s a very personal question, let me just say, I love doing things the right way, it would be very easy to go to a private university but where’s the fun in that? I love the tension and the challenge, you might not understand but that’s just how I feel.” He lied partially.

“hmm, I understand, I really do.”

“since you asked a very personal question, am I allowed to ask mine?”

“sure, go ahead.”

“was I actually your first?” Charles asked baffled.

“what first are you referring to?” she replied even though she knew what he was referring to.

“the kiss. In the party you said you haven’t been kissed before, was I really the first?”

“yes you are, any problem with that?”

“No, not at all, I’m very much honored.” He said. Charles couldn’t believe that Rose had actually forgotten their first kiss. He felt so guilty for going ahead with the bet and he wished he could call it quit but he wasn’t ready for her to know the truth, since she had forgotten it, then so be it. He won't bring up the past. The past is the past. He was so happy that at least he would have a second chance with her and this time, he wouldn't dare misuse it.

“why so quiet, are you scared?”

“scared about what gorgeous? That I was your first?”

“what else?”

“I’m not scared at all, I’m just so happy and baffled, it’s a surprise really and I feel like a jerk for not being your first too.” It was a lie, she was also his first, but that was a long time ago and she had forgotten it. With that, she laughed and he was relieved. He was already falling deep and he don’t think he wants to back out yet. “so, your turn. Ask your question.”

“what will you be in the future, or will you probably follow your dad footstep?”

“I want to own a business of my own, my own company, not my dad’s own. But life can be something else.”

“wow! I never knew this. I like that you want to be independent, it’s a good thing really.”

“how about you, what about your family?”

“I’m the second and the last born, my parent bore two children, I have an elder sister.” She explained as she smiled but the smile turned to a frown when she said; "but...my dad died when I was still small, in an accident..."

“Oh... I'm so sorry, I'm really sorry Rose." He apologized, feeling extremely guilty.

"You don't need to be, it was a long time ago... What about you?"

"We are four in my family, a father, a mother, my elder sister and I. I'm the second and last born, just like you. ”

“Wow! Wonderful.”

"We're fated to be together." He said and they both laughed.

She checked her time and gasped; “we’re quite a talker.”

“I know right. I think we should call it a day.”

“yeah” she called the waitress and ordered another food for her roommates in a takeaway, she and Charles dragged the bill but Charles won saying; “I was the one that called you out on a date, all you need to do is to enjoy the date, you can order as many food as you want, money isn’t the problem.” With that settled, they left.

A/N: Thank you for stopping by to read this book. Please don't forget to vote, comment and share. Positive comments please. Thanks guys. ILYSSM🥰🥰

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