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SUNDAY, 3:33 P.M.

"So, what movie are we watching?" He asked as he finished ordering the pizza.

"What else except horror?"

"Horror? Can you survive?"

"Geez, who can't survive horror movies, I love horror."

" Horror, alright so which one then?" He inquired as he scrolled through Netflix.

"IT!" She exclaimed with enthusiasm.

"Geez, IT it is then" he accepted and laughed, "that stuff is hard to say."

"Which stuff? It?"

"No, try saying IT it is" he urged

" IT tit, IT this- no, no IT it is, there I've said it"

" Indeed, after almost saying, IT tit tis and IT this is" he laughed.

" Whatever"

" So let me get some popcorn and some wine"

" Popcorn? What about the pizza"

" This is Nigeria, the pizza won't arrive fast, I hope you're aware of that."

" You just reminded me, okay then bring the popcorn and the wine"

"Popcorn and wine, coming right up" he went into the kitchen, and minutes later, he was already coming out with the popcorn and some red wine.

" Hope that's not alcoholic"

" It is, just a little percent of alcohol in it, I don't have any non-alcoholic wine and any juice."

" I can't drink alcoholic wine, I've never drank one before"

" Then, there's always a first for everything. Don't worry, you'll survive, it's just about eight percent."

" Alright, pour a little in the glass cup, where's the glass cup"

" Couldn't bring it, my hands were full, go over there" he pointed at a cupboard in the dining room where glasses of different kinds lay awaiting their use. Rose went to the cupboard and she brought out about two flute wine glasses.

" Alright, pour a little for me, I don't know whether I have tolerance for alcohol."

"yes ma'am"

" So are we ready?" She asked as she switched off the living room light.

" Yes..." he replied sitting beside her.

" Good, now let's start" she pressed play and the horror movie started.

About ten minutes into the movie, she was already shivering and using Charles as a shield.

"Why did you choose this when you can't survive it then"

"I can, I ca-- ahhhh!!!" She jumped on Charles and put her head on his chest, her hands hugging his neck, " I can't survive this, please change it, please..." She pleaded which made Charles laugh.

"No, we must watch this to the end," he said enjoying the feel of Rose's body on his. Suddenly the doorbell rang. "It should be the pizza delivery guy," he said and stood up from the cozy couch, gently placing Rose on it and checked the time, "exactly thirty minutes"

"Wait for me!" She reached out for him and followed him to the door.

They collect the pizza from the delivery guy and soon they were back on their cozy couch. They ate in utter silence as they watched the movie.

The movie was getting too scary for Rose, so she scooted closer to Charles seeking closure, she was so close to him that there wasn't even an inch of space left between them.

She hid her face in his chest and wrapped her hands around his neck. She could smell him, he smelled nice, of mint. She moved her face to his neck to smell him, then decided to taste him wondering if he tasted as he smelled.

He also tasted nice, she thought, she licked his neck once, then twice, and then thrice, then moved down the base of his neck, to the upper part of his chest. She opened the first button that seemed to hide his chest and she could see his bare skin. She opened the second, then the third, and the fourth and did the same.

She was getting interested in exploring his body, the movie, long forgotten. She didn't know why she was suddenly feeling hot and blamed it on the alcohol.

Charles couldn't believe he was feeling hot by what Rose was doing to his body, he tried his best to focus on the horror movie, to remove his mind from what Rose was doing but he was a full-blooded man and his attention span was solely on Rose and her hands.

"Ro...se" He called her name, very much enjoying the feel of her mouth on his firm chest. Rose could see that he was enjoying whatever the heck she was doing, so she continued, and went down, down, down to his belly button. The she suddenly stopped and looked at him.

How did her harmless exploration get to this? Was she ready? Can she back out now? All these thoughts evaporated the moment he raised his head and stared at her lovingly before claiming her lips, slowly and gently. By the time they were out of breath, they stopped and stared at each other, regaining their breath in the process.

"I love you," Charles blurted, "I've been in love with you the first time I saw you..." He confessed, but the first time he was referring to was when they were still kids, which Rose couldn't remember.

"Wow!" Rose was baffled.

"Yes, or don't you love me also?"

"I do, I love you too, Charles."

Charles was ecstatic as she said those words.

" Oh, Rose! You don't know what those words mean to me, I love you sooo much." He hugged her, then kissed her gently, so gently. He couldn't get enough of her, he wanted her so much, so he kissed her with a new urgency. He kissed her eyes, her nose, her lips again, then he licked her neck, sucked it, marking her, claiming possession.

His hands moved to the hem of her top wanting to remove it.

"Can I?" Charles asked her, "If you tell me not to, I won't." He whispered, not really wanting her to stop him.

Rose could feel his pure desires, and his undying love for her. She knew in her mind that he was the one for her, her destined love, the one God has ordained for her. She loved him so much, hence, she was willing to give it to him. Her first time. Her virginity.

A/N: Thank you for stopping by to read this book. Please don't forget to vote, comment and share. Positive comments please. Thanks guys. I love you so so so much🥰🥰

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