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"Charles!" She exclaimed.

"I'm so sorry."

"What will I do to this now?" She asked, feeling dejected.

"Cover it with... With..."

"Oh God!" Rose brought out her powder and touched her neck and her face, she also added some lipstick on her lips, she gave Charles some tissue papers to clean his lips.

"How do I look?" She asked him, "do I look like someone that had made out ?"

"Well... You look okay, but your hair. Let me adjust it for you." And he did. "You look very okay, now."

"Good. Because I don't want people seeing us as if we committed a crime inside here."

"But we did."

"You caused it." She accused him.

"We both needed this."

"You needed this."

"Rose, we need to talk..."

"We are going to land now," Rose said ignoring his statement. Then the door opened and they could see their son already waiting for them.

"Mom! Dad!"

"Bryan!" They both shouted as they came out of the space.

"How was it?" The innocent young boy asked. Rose and Charles looked at themselves knowing fully well what they did inside the ferris-wheel.

"We... Just..." Charles started.

"Talked," Rose interjected.

"Yes, we just talked."

"About what?" Curious Bryan asked his parents.


"About... random things." Rose interjected again.

"Yes, yes, about random things."

"So... Did you guys talk about getting back together?"

"Bryan, what other thing do you intend to do today?" Charles asked, changing the topic.

"Car riding!"

"Good, let's go!"

"Yayyyyy!" Rose looked at Charles and gave him a thumbs up, because she knew that Bryan never gives up on his question, if it was her, she wouldn't know how to change the topic, but now, someone else had done it for her, making her relax.

* * * * *

Rhema and his daughter, Jessica were also present in the amusement park. Jessy was tired of staying at home and had wanted to come out and enjoy herself since her mom just put to bed. Then Rhema had decided to go with her to the latest family amusement park since only Jessy couldn't go herself.

"Dad, I'm tired. We can go home now." Jessica said.

"Are you sure? I don't want us to go now, then later you will start complaining."

"No, dad. I'm really tired. Let's go home."

"Alright kiddo. Let's go home." Rhema agreed, he was just so eager to see his wife and little child.

"Isn't that Bryan?" Jessy muttered to herself, as she saw Bryan, the young boy that she met with her mom's best friend, aunty Rose.

"What did you say?"

"See, Bryan. Aunty Rose's son." Jessica explained.

"Where, who is he with?"

"A man."

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