The drive to his dad's house took about thirty minutes because of the hold-up. Bryan could see how beautiful his dad's mansion was and was amazed at how big the compound was. He saw a sculpture of a woman that looks like his mom and smiled to himself.
He followed his parents into the house and was wowed. It was indeed big, not only on the outside but inside as well. He could see the large chandelier that hung from the ceiling, made with crystals only.
"This is wow!" Bryan exclaimed.
"This is your house." His dad said.
"Do I have my room here?" Bryan asked his dad.
"Yes, son. You do." His mom answered him.
"Let me see, let me see," Bryan said, so eager to see his room in his dad's house. He wants to compare the one that is bigger and better, but deep down in his mind, he already knows the one that he would like, which was his dad's.
"Fine. Let's go." His dad led the way and he and his mom climbed through a series of stairs till they reached his supposed room.
"Are you ready?" Charles asked his eager son.
"Yes, yes, please, open it."
"Okay, close your eyes... Ta-da!" Charles opened the room.
"Wow!" Bryan exclaimed.
Rose looked at Charles who smiled. The two of them had finally redecorated the rooms that Charles personally destroyed.
"Do you like it?" His dad asked him.
"Yes, I love it. it's beautiful." Bryan complimented. The room was decorated with sky blue and navy blue wallpaper. It was so beautiful and organized.
"It's me and your mom that decorated it."
"Thank you mom, thank you, dad."
"You're welcome." Both Charles and Rose said in unison.
"Mom, you didn't bring any bag for me?"
"Yes, you already have clothes in the closet." His mom reassured him.
"I do? Wow!" He ran to the closet and saw different clothes, all were new.
"You got this?"
"Yes, we did. This is also your house so you should have clothes both here and there, you don't need to bring an overnight bag or anything." His mom said which made him smile.
"This is amazing. So that means I can come here anytime I like?"
"Of course! Bryan." His dad said.
"So what should we eat this evening?" Rose asked.
"Wait, Charles, don't tell me you don't have groceries." Rose asked and Charles went mute, "you don't? Again?" Rose asked him, referring to ten years ago when she came to his apartment and there weren't any groceries. Charles understood the word 'again' and nodded.
"We can order takeout." He suggested.
"We aren't ordering anything." Rose said, "I will go shop for groceries now."
"Let's go instead."
"All of us?"
"Yes, is there a problem? Besides I want us to even get some games so I and Bryan can play all night."
"Alright. Let's go, but first of all, Bryan go change your clothes."
"Okay mummy."

Delicate Love
RomanceShe spun the bottle and it faced Charles. "Truth or Dare?" "Dare." Charles responded. She smirked and dared; "I dare you to kiss Rose." Rose was shocked at the dare and her heart started beating frantically, butterfly erupted in her stomach as Charl...