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10:17 PM

Jessy Black was shocked. She had never been in a situation whereby the world had just stopped, this was a first. What had just happened? And how did it just happen?

She stared at the dark handsome guy in front of her, quite confused as to what he just uttered blatantly, without a care in the world, without even the slightest bit of remorse in him. It wasn't there. He didn't care. It was like he had been wanting to tell her this for quite a long time now.

"You say what?" She asked him, the guy that had been her boyfriend, but with what he had just said, she guessed otherwise.

"Seriously Jessy, I'm sick and tired of this relationship, I don't think I'm even attracted to you anymore. You're just too... How will I put it... Too... Conservative. Yes, that's the word." He simply replied, jaded. Not a glimpse of sorrow in his eyes.

"Okay." She shrugged, making it seem as if it didn't affect her too, "let's break up." She declared. She wasn't going to show him how he had just broken her heart. She had loved him or thought she had. He had been her boyfriend since she basically knew what she was doing in the university, he had begged her to date him, and now that she was in 200lv, he decided to break up with her. Why? Because he wasn't attracted to her anymore, because she had refused to sleep with him? Or make out with him? Or because she refused to give him access to her body? This was a sign that he wasn't the one for her.

He arched an eyebrow, "Wow! That easy?"

"Yes... What did you expect?" She asked, a bored expression showing blatantly on her face.

If he was surprised, he didn't show it, "Nothing, I didn't think it was that easy," then he scoffed, "if I had known, I wouldn't have wasted my time trying to break the news to you over a month ago."

"That's good to hear, I'm happy we are both on the same page. I wish you good luck in life." She jeered.

"Me too." He quipped. Then he left. And it dawned on her. She had just been dumped. She had been freaking dumped. Shit!

The hottest guy in her department that all girls had been dying for had just dumped her? Jaden freaking Brown had just dumped her, and she wasn't even the slightest bit fazed about it.

She knew she was just with him for fame. She loved the way the boys usually worshipped her just because she was his girlfriend, but now that he had just dumped her, what would become of her? How would she face all those evil scheming girls that had always wanted them to break apart. How would she face them? She was at loss. Not because she lost him, but because she also would lose her fame, a fame that she had been trying to increase by being his girlfriend.

She looked around her and found out that nobody had even noticed what had happened. Girls were just busy chatting away with either their classmates, lovers, or crushes. This had been her before. This had been her life. Coming out in the night when your boyfriend calls you out, talk for what seems like eon when in reality it could be just an hour or two, or even thirty minutes, then enter back into your hostel when the security personnel is ready to lock the gate. It was what she had been used to since her fresher level, but now, all of a sudden, it all crashed down, just in one night.

She made her way to head back into her hostel when she caught something, no scratch that, she caught someone, locking hands with him, and smiling like it was natural for her. It was something that she had done severally. A pang of pain shot through her heart as she saw the girl that was with him. It was her best friend, or so she would have called her, but no more.

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