The weather was nice and peaceful that Tuesday morning. He drove his car to a nearby flower shop to order a bouquet of flower for her. A rose flower to be precised.
"Good day sir, how may I help you?" The receptionist asked as he entered into the shop.
"I want to buy a flower for my woman." He replied and the receptionist smiled.
"You're at the right place sir, we are well known for that kind of service here, so which kind of flower do you need? We have different kinds here, just name the one you want."
"Do you have rose?"
"Oh yes we do."
"Come this way," she directed and he followed her into the shop, he could see different kinds of flower that he knows nothing about but stopped when he saw a rose.
"Sir, this." The receptionist pointed at the section where rose flowers were placed. "Do you want it delivered by us, or do you want to give her yourself?"
"Please I want it delivered, but I want to write a letter in it."
"That's not a problem sir."
"How many bouquets sir?"
"Just one please."
"Alright sir." The receptionist picked up a bouquet and passed it to him. "Come this way sir." He followed her out of the flower section to a section where different cards were placed. He picked one that was very beautiful and wrote how he felt in it.
"Okay, please deliver it to this address." He instructed.
"Yes sir."
"How much for the service?"
"Just seven thousand naira sir!"
"Alright then." He gave her his card and she swiped it in.
"Thanks for patronizing us, sir."
"No probs." And he left.
* * * * *
"Ma, a gift for you," Peace said as soon as she entered into her boss's office.
"And what's that?" Rose asked , her attention span solely focused on the computer.
"It's a flower ma," Peace replied and that got Rose's attention.
"A flower? From who?" Rose asked as she collected the rose from her secretary.
"I don't know ma'am, it was a delivery man that brought it and when I asked who ordered it, he said you will find out when you check the card," Peace replied.
"Alright," Rose brought out the card and put the rose in an empty vase. She stared at the card and noticed her secretary was still waiting, "what are you still doing here, you may go," Rose dismissed her secretary, knowing fully well Peace was eager to know who it was, as she was.
"Alright ma'am," Peace left the office, feeling unhappy because her curiosity wasn't fed.
Rose opened the card and it read;
This rose symbolizes my love and desire for you. Everytime you look at this rose, know that someone out there is thinking of you. Know that I'm thinking about you.
I was wrong. I wish I could take back what I did back then, you may not forgive me for what I've done, but I just want you to know that I'm sorry and I want to make everything alright again. Would you honour me by going out on a dinner date with me this Friday?
Yours Sincerely,
Charles.Rose smiled as she finished reading the letter, this was unexpected. She smelled the rose he had given her. She knew he was the one that brought it as her secretary brought it in her office. She sighed as she read the letter again and again, should she go on the date? This was the time she badly needed a friend, that would cheer her up and encourage her but she got none, and even Susan which could have been the one, didn't know the current update of her life. What should she do? Should she or should she not?

Delicate Love
RomanceShe spun the bottle and it faced Charles. "Truth or Dare?" "Dare." Charles responded. She smirked and dared; "I dare you to kiss Rose." Rose was shocked at the dare and her heart started beating frantically, butterfly erupted in her stomach as Charl...