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The hall was so full and noisy, students littered around the place. Some used this means to date, some used it to get to meet other people while some, those that have a mission for the overnight used it to read, a group reading or individual reading.

Rose sighted Charles who was seated at the left side of the hall. She matched her way to him and sat down beside him as she reached.

"Whaddup!" She greeted removing her notes from her bag.

"You came late, this is 11:21pm" he said.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, what have you done so far na?"

" Nothing, just waiting..."

" Hmmm... Okay let's start."

" So what does the assignment entails?"

" So you haven't even checked the question?"

" Ahn ahn,I was being loyal na, I was waiting for you"

" Loyal ko, loyal ni"

" We have all the night to ourselves, I'm sure we can finish this question before 1am sef."

" Oya na, let's start with explaining this terms then, ionization radiation, binding energy and nucleon, have any idea on that?"

" What's the use of Google then?" He brought out his iphone 12 and typed the questions, seconds later, the answers were visible to our eyes and we jotted them down.

"If we can use Google so what are we doing here then, you can also do this in your apartment na."

" Na... It won't be fun, I want to do this with you"

" But it's time consuming you know, anyways, let's solve this other question," she looked at it and frown, " this one is looking like it's going to be hard o, In a Rutherford scattering experiment... Have this man even thought us Rutherford sef... wetin"

"I'll search it"

" But what if it requires you to pay to view the answer, all these sites that will have the answers yet they will blur it out"

" Then I'll pay, read the questions lemme type it"

" Okay then, if you say so. In a Rutherford scattering experiment, an alpha particle of two positive charge electrons heads directly toward a gold nucleus of seventy nine positive charge electrons. The alpha particle has a kine--"

" Wait wait, you're so fast" he cautioned

" Then just look at it and type it, I'm tired. "

" But... "

" No buts"

" Aiit, but don't sleep off o" he joked and she laughed. Seconds later, "  I've seen it, and it isn't blurry"

" wow, I love this," she commented as she saw the answers on his phone, "this  night is getting meaningful already"

"You see, I'm sure you won't even think of browsing your answers, I've saved you for next time"

"But this is how people get lazy" she reminded him but was happy anyways. Minutes later, they were done with the assignments.

"It's 12:27 now, what should we do." She asked him.

"Let's get out of here, let's to to a more empty class" she looked at home suspiciously.

" For what? What happens to being here?"

" It's noisy"

" We can manage here, besides let's read."

" C'mon let's go" he urged, dragging her up and she followed anyway. What could go wrong?

" Charles!" A tiny voice called.

They both looked back to see who the caller was.

"Hey Dara, whatsup" Charles greeted as the beautiful slim lady walked up to them.

"I'm fine" she responded and placed her hands on his arm. "What are you doing here?" She asked batting her eye lashes and biting her lips.

"I should be asking you that" Charles replied getting annoyed. Rose cleared her throat and the two of them looked her side.

"Who's she?" Dara asked.

"This is Rose, Rose this is Dara, Martins' girlfriend" he introduced.

"Nice meeting you, Dara" Rose smiled her hands stretched out waiting for Dara to acknowledge it,but instead Dara eyed her. Rose couldn't understand why she was angry with her.

"Charles, are you free?, I want to talk to you." Dara asked Charles placing her hands on his chest blatantly ignoring Rose who was beside him.

" I'm busy!" Charles answered rudely.

" Geez! Alright, you don't need to bite, but if you're less busy this night, just call me, you know" she invited, winked and sashayed away shaking her butt. Charles stared which made Rose clear her throat for the second time that night.

"Let's go" he said as if nothing happened. He led her to a classroom that was free of individuals.

TUESDAY, 12:39 AM.

"So what are we doing here?" Rose asked him as she sat. He knows what he wants to do here, heck he knows but he's scared. He could feel he was already falling, falling for her.

"Let's talk."

"About what?"

"About us, what else should we talk about?"

"Okay, what do you want to say, I'm all ears."

"What are we?" He asked confused.

"We are humans ofcourse" she replied which made him laugh.

"You know that is not what I'm talking about, are we in a relationship or are we just flirting with each other, I want to know."

"I don't understand Charles, do you want to be in a relationship? I thought you just want to flirt around until you're done with all the girls in this school."


"You know your reputation right, you're known as a playboy, I thought you love the title."

" I'm serious Rose, just being with you for this short period of time has made me realize what I've been missing so far. I think I'm already falling for you," He confessed knowing he was saying the truth. "Be my girlfriend" he suggested.

"But this is too early, like we just met a month or so."

" I know, but I can already feel the connection between us,and I haven't felt this way before with any girl. I can feel this is fate, our destiny."

" Charles let me think about this please"

" Yes please, think about it but don't take too long."

" I won't, I promise."

" Thanks" he moved closer and planted a short kiss on her lips.

" what was that for?" She asked smiling.

"For promising to think about it" he gave her another kiss, this time it wasn't short like the first one.

"And this one?" She asked, "what's this longer one for?"

"For thinking about it already"

"And who told you I am thinking about it already."

"I just know, I told you we're kinda connected."

"As if" and she laughed.

A/N: Thank you for stopping by to read this book. Please don't forget to vote, comment and share. Positive comments please. Thanks guys. ILYSSM🥰🥰

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