Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I ran the brush down my dirt blond hair, carefully untangling the knots that had build up throughout the past two days. My hair reeked of wet dirt and sweat. I had to take a shower but my limbs were unwilling to step inside cold water. Exhaustion and sleep covered my eyes. The bags underneath my eyes were getting thicker and darker by every minute passing by.

I had gone through my things, surveyed the room Nora had led me into and opened everything that was left of mine.

My clothes were still there, hanging in the closest, covered with the scent of my favorite perfume. I could tell a few things were misplaced but none of those things were as important as everything else was.

There was a little cradle I had gotten after I got pregnant and it was still there, kept near the curtains, packed and in it's clean condition.

It wasn't the pain of it all, it was the memories and the loneliness I felt remembering those memories.

The book I had purchased remained on the bookshelf by the large brown wall near to the closet. My jewelry and my accessories were tucked inside the drawers underneath the dressing table along with a few random diaries I used to keep once. There were just a few words and scribbles on the diaries, nothing important.

I ran my fingers down my combed hair, ensuring no knots were left. Once done, I placed the brush over the dresser and tore my eyes away from my boring reflection that continued to judge me for all the things I had done.

I wasn't a bad person. It was the sequence of bad things that shaped me into who I was today.

The silence was loud in the house and my room. I couldn't hear anything at all but from a distance, I could sense a few cars passing by and people walking farther away from the house.

Nora had returned to her quarters after showing me around and by now, Wayne must have been tucked inside his bed, preparing for sleep.

My eyes lowered to my bed and I stared at the sheets for long and hard. How could I sleep here? I questioned my self while the hair over my skin rose in fear.

I couldn't.

Without even getting underneath the comforter, I stepped out of the room and into the hallway. Glancing at every direction, I made sure it was clear before I walked out and searched for Wayne's bedroom.

For a few minutes, I contemplated going into his bedroom and requesting to sleep with him. He did bring me here and I had no other choice but to sleep with him, at least for one night. It was impossible for me to sleep alone in a new place with such haunting old memories.

Considering, I found his bedroom door creaked slightly open. Was it an invitation? Who slept with their bedroom door open? I stepped inside, it was clear he wanted me here. It was cold, icy cold. "Well, I can't sleep in my room..." I trailed off in a low voice so he could hear me. "It's a new place so don't blame it on me. It's not like I want to sleep with you but I have to be because I feel scared. Now, don't think I'm vulnerable or anything. It's just for one fricking ni—" I stopped when I entered in his room entirely and paced forward to find him sleeping.

My lips slammed shut and I frowned. He had been snoring which meant he went straight to sleep after I had taunted him about Thomas.

Parts of the long curtains were slipped open, letting the moonlight in. Wayne slept on the left side of the bed, facing the window and the light shadowed his face and his perfectly sculptured jaw. His eyes remained closed along with his mouth while he murmured slowly in his sleep.

I tore my gaze away from his and looked on the right side of the bed that was made and untouched. It was empty—perfect for me.

I quickly hurried to door and closed it before getting on the other side of the bed and picking up the comforter.

My heart felt at ease.

"Well, enjoy your sleep because I'm surely going to enjoy mine." I whispered while sneaking underneath the sheets and pulling the comforter over my head. "Nighty night."

The presence of Wayne's body right beside mine bought the comfort I was looking for. The terror in my heart lowered a little and I was no longer afraid of being here completely alone. Although, tomorrow morning was going to be a problem for both of us.

I just hoped he didn't mind if I slept beside him for a night. After all, we were still mates.

Certain parts of my body tingled as I remained beside him. He continued to snore in a low voice while I breathed heavily. I turned around and faced his muscular, bare back and the feelings buried rose up before I could even register it all.

I stretched my hand out and raced my finger across his spine before resting my hand over his waist and inching closer to him. The scent of him and his wolf ravished me entirely and only in a few minutes, I was asleep, snoring right beside him, without a worry in this world.

Only if it was this easy.

My mind was drifting into the darkness, I was in peace, at least for a small time. There were no worries or tensions that I needed to take care of while I was asleep. But when the sleep broke and I returned to reality, everything went downhill from there.

I felt a pair of hands over my body, warm hands, slowly moving up and down my shoulders while my head rested over a thudding—a heart. I forced my eyes open and jumped up straight from the bed.

The sheets remained curled around my waist and legs while I stared at Wayne and how closed he had gotten to me. I assumed he was asleep but he wasn't. He was wide awake, a grin following on his lips when his eyes met with mine.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked, pulling my robe together and tying it up before he could catch a glimpse of anything.

"You came here."

"I did not." I rolled my eyes and turned my head around to get off the bed and flee as soon as I could. My cheeks turned into a terrible shade of red in embarrassment. I thought I could wake up earlier than him and sneak out of the room before he could see me sleeping next to him, being vulnerable.

"Don't be a liar, Clara." He said, grabbing my ankle and yanking me back on the bed. "It's okay to accept sometimes that you're weak and that you can't live without me." He continued, at this point, tormenting me.

I smacked his hand away from my ankle and pulled myself together, "I'm not weak and I can live without you!" I exclaimed, hissing at him.

"Yeah, right," He scoffed while his eyes looked at me from the top to the bottom. "Is that the reason why I found you next to me when I woke up? Do you miss me so much?"

"Why do you have to be so cocky?" My tone grew louder as the minutes passed by. "I came here because I was scared and it's not like you didn't want me here. You clearly were waiting for me to come to you."

He chuckled and folded his hands over his chest, "You're going to put the blame on me?" His brow cocked.

I tore the sheets from my legs and my waist before getting up from the bed and placing my feet on the floor. As soon as I was up, I tightened my robe and began stomping toward the door.

"Yes. You left the door open, you wanted me in here, Wayne!" I yelled before leaving the room.

"Accept you still want me, Clara." I heard his voice boom across the hallway while I turned a blind eye on him and kept running till I reached my room.

As soon as I was inside, I slammed the door shut and took in a few deep breaths to calm myself down.

Ugh, I still hated him.

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