Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I stood underneath cold water hoping it would wash away the heat growing inside me. There was no way I was ever going to have sex or any sexual interaction with Wayne no matter what I had to do. My skin continued to burn whilst I showered and cleaned up my body. The cold water helped a little to soothe the heat inside my body but my wolf was acting difficult.

I hadn't had sex in over a year, nothing was going to stop from having it now, with Wayne.

Sleeping with him was different, I need comfort but that was all. I had no intentions of rising any emotions or feelings from the past and giving any hope to him or myself. Things ended when they did.

This—being back here, it was only temporary.

Sunlight filtered in through the little windows inside the bathroom as I ran my fingers through my wet hair and closed my eyes tight while water fell over my face. Tired of the cold, I switched the water to warm and soon scorching, hot water poured straight out on me. I cleaned up the rest of my body with soap and shampooed my hair before standing still under the water and soaking myself.

I was in no hurry to go anywhere or do anything.

My life—well, it was stuck as of now.

A pair of hands wrapped around my waist and I blew out a breath as a certain someone's voice crawled up to my ears. "You left the door open." Wayne whispered, inching toward me, his body bare and dry.

"It wasn't an invitation." I replied while turning around to him and facing him. Him being here, inside the bathroom, naked with me, was not a surprise.

His hands trailed away from my waist and up to to my face where he pressed them against my cheek and leaned in closer. Water fell over him, soaking his hair, his body and his lips.

"It seemed like one." He replied, his lips curling into a smirk.

"It wasn't." I rolled my eyes at him.

He pouted, "It wasn't an invitation either when you crawled into my bed and slept with me."


"That was an accident!" I didn't know what else to do. I was terrified and alone, I needed someone and in the moment of weakness, I went to him and slept.

"Consider this as one as well." He grinned, big before placing his lips against mine and kissing me.

It felt unknown at first, almost strange until the feeling set deep in the pit of my stomach and then it was incredible, irresistible. I kissed him back and curled my hands around his hair while pushing my body toward his. Hot water fell between us, making everything slippery than usual.

Wayne wrapped his hand around my throat and pushed me back up against the wall where he held me there while kissing me hard. His tongue swooped in, tangling with mine while his teeth scraped over my lower lip before he tugged harshly, forcing a little moan out of my dry throat.

I grabbed his other hand and placed it over my lower as heat spread inside me.

This was wrong. A voice echoed in my head but I ignored it for as long as I could.

This was right—for now.

When his lips parted from mine for a second, I grabbed him back and kissed him again without taking a breath. He pressed his chest to mine while his fingers made their way into my wet throbbing clit. He rubbed it slowly, in circles while wetness dripped out of me along with the water than ran down over us.

I wrapped my hand around his shaft, and it filled my fist perfectly, just as it always did. His cock throbbed underneath my hold as I ran my hand up and down while pressing the tip against my stomach.

He was a lot taller than me but there was something we could do to make this—sex work out.

"I could eat you up, right now, right here." He growled against my lips before trailing him mouth lower to my neck where he took a whiff of my scent before pressing his teeth against my flesh.

I threw my head back in pleasure as his fingers circled around my clit and his other hand grasped my breast, playing with my throbbing nipple between his fingers.

I continued to fist his cock while he placed a few kisses over my neck following with hickeys. He sucked on my collarbone, leaving a mark for sure before moving his mouth to my breast.

"Oh, don't stop!" I moaned, grasping his wet hair between my fingers.

He grabbed my jaw with his thick fingers and pressed his palm hard over my throat until I was out of breath. Every breath I took was raspy, full of need and desire.

My body began shaking against the wall as I neared to my orgasm. I moaned loud and for long as his fingers continued rubbing my clit, quickly and right on the spot. I held his cock harder in my hand, fisting as he pleasured me.

He sucked on my breasts, taking in a mouthful of my flesh and leaving another hickey. I bucked my hips forward and he pushed his cock closer to my pussy, right where I needed him.

Inside me.

"What do you want, kitten?" He asked, pulling his mouth away from my breast and returning his face to mine. His hot breath fanned over my lips while I closed my eyes tightly. "Tell me."

My breathing grew heavier. I didn't want to beg.

"Tell me, kitten. What do you want? Do you want me to fuck you?" He asked, fisting his own cock now.

I wanted to nod, but I didn't want to give in to him at the same time. I wanted him to fuck me without asking me.

His muscles stiffened and he placed a hand on the wall behind me. "I want to hear those three little words, kitten." He grunted, frustration growing in the back of his voice as he waited for it.

Please, fuck me.

I slammed my lips shut and breathed through my nose. Those words weren't going to come out of me. I wasn't going to let him win—not now, not ever.

He pulled his hand away from my pussy and moved a few steps away from me.

"Wayne." I called out his name, wanting him to return and finish me.

My eyes lowered to his cock, full-length, thick and waiting to fill me up. My mouth watered at the sight of it. It was perfect, just what I needed right now—after one long year—I really needed it.

"When you'll submit to me, that's when you're going to get this inside you." He said, completely moving himself away from me.

I gritted my teeth together and let out a low growl as he walked out of the bathroom, leaving me all hot and needy.

He played and provoked me just so I could submit to him, again.

As he left the bathroom, I spent a good twenty minutes finishing myself up but it wasn't the same as it would be if he had fucked me with his cock. I imagined my orgasm covering his cock and he burying his hot load inside me. Once done, I wrapped a towel around me and another one, covering my hair before I stepped out of the bathroom.

Wayne was long gone by then.

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