Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

I reached home by a cab and poured a drink for myself while leaning over the counter. I kept my legs closed for a whole year, I barely made contact with men unless I was killing them, I never found anyone attractive as I was devoted to Wayne and now, after learning that he clearly wasn't, I was devastated.

My head whipped around at the sound of shoes thumping down the stairs. Looking up, I found Nora coming toward me.

"How did the shopping go? Did you have fun?" She asked, stepping inside the kitchen. Her eyes wandered to the glass I held in my hand and she let out a long breath, "It didn't go well?"

"It was okay," I turned around and pressed my back against the counter. "Until I learned that Wayne appointed a young female Beta and he had been working with her all this time."

"I suppose you're talking about Allison."

I nodded my head, "Do you know her?" My throat burned as I took another sip of the drink while wondering about that female Wayne had been cozying up to.

Nora hesitated for a second before she mustered up and spilled out the truth, "Allison had been around a few times. Alpha had chosen her as the Beta even when the males disagreed. I'm not a fan of her but I'm sure he doesn't see her that way and whatever you're thinking might be wrong." She stepped closer to me and the black in her eyes grew. "He mourned you and his lost child for months and months, Clara." Her hand touched my shoulder as she reminded me.

I wasn't sure about that.

When Wayne told me he hadn't fucked Allison, a part of me didn't believe him. Something inside me didn't trust his words for the first time ever.

In the cold silence, the main door to the house creaked open and I quickly placed my glass among the other dirty dishes. Nora stepped out of the kitchen to attend Wayne who had just reached inside.

"I just want to speak to her. Where is she?" He asked, his voice low and tired.

Nora informed him that I was in the kitchen and soon, his footsteps approached me. I quickly patted my cheeks a few times and dried my watery eyes before seeing him.

"Clara," He called out my name like every time he did when something was terribly wrong.

I turned around and faced him, "There is nothing I want to talk to you about. I am tired and I would just like to go to my room and get some rest." I stated without taking another breath. My head was pounding and I was too exhausted to deal with his lies.

Wayne looked at me with sorrow in his eyes, "I didn't fuck her. I swear by you." He said, taking my hands and pulling them to his chest. "I would never betray you and if it makes you feel better, I'm not even attracted to her. She's only the Beta because of her skills and her strength." He explained to me.

I looked straight into his eyes while a frown appeared over my lips, "Don't fucking lie to me." I straight up said.

"I'm not lying." He blew out a breath filled with frustration.

"Do you think I'm stupid, Wayne? Do you really think I'm that stupid little girl that worked for you day and night, without a clue what was happening in this world?" I asked him and an uncomfortable silence followed as I finished. My voice echoed in the four walls of the kitchen.

I glanced up at Wayne, studying his face and there was only guilt spread across it.

His eyes lowered and he whispered, "She kissed me once. It was a while ago."

My heartbeat pounded in my ears as everything I believed in became true. I wasn't wrong. I wanted to be but I wasn't. I knew something was going on between him and Allison the minute I saw her face. She was fresh meat, something Wayne could never resist.

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