Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

Like mother like daughter.

I scrambled up to my feet and grabbed onto the long bars of the room inside the cellar. "You don't fucking mean that!" I yelled at Wayne as he tucked the key into his pocket.

He didn't say another word and grabbed a seat from the corner of the room. As he dragged the metal seat, it made a loud, clang sound forcing me to flinch at it. He placed the seat in front of the small room where I stood and he sat down.

"Did I say anything wrong?" He looked up at me and asked. His legs folded across one other. "You're just like your mother. Aren't you?"

"No!" I exclaimed. "I'm nothing like her nor I will ever be like her." I felt a different rush in my veins when I heard it. It made me enraged to even think about my mother and even more be compared to her. I ran my hand across my face, wiping away the blood and the wetness on my cheeks while I realized something. "You're just fucking around with me." My hand returned to the bar and I laughed at Wayne for his tries.

"True." He shrugged.

"Try whatever you want to try. There is honestly nothing that's going to help me. You should consider letting me free," I paused for a moment, re-thinking what I was about to say. "Let me out. I'll leave town. I'll go somewhere else and you don't have to bother with me. I won't kill your men." I gave him my word and for the time, I was being honest.

When my laughter died down, his began. "Really? You think I'm going to do that?"

I furrowed my brows, "What else can you possibly do?"

"I'm going to break you, Clara, and you're going to watch me how I do it." He sat back, smiling and being comfortable with it all.

I rolled my eyes and moved my hands away from the bar. Returning to the small cell, I walked back and forth as his words registered in my head. "You cannot break me. You tried everything on the list. You even fucked me." My eyes moved to meet his. "That didn't work. Nothing else is going to work. I'm going to kill everyone if you don't let me free."

"Fine, then, I'll just wait here and watch you starve to death." He braced himself, placing his hands over his legs. His face was full of hope.

Silencing my self, I stopped giving in to him and resorted to the corner of the cell. I sat down and pressed my back against the ice steel wall. I had enough blood in my system to go for a couple of hours and Wayne truly couldn't starve me.

"You're just going to waste your time," I whispered to him.

"I don't mind." His head whipped to me and he smiled at me.

I raised my head against the wall and closed my eyes, hoping to get rest for a while. By tomorrow morning, all would be well and Wayne would free me from this cell. He couldn't keep me in here for more than a night nor watch me in pain. His feelings were to great—greater than mine at this point.

My throat became dry by dawn. Sunlight flickered in from the window at the corner, the same window where I had heard the guard talking from earlier last night. I rubbed my eyes and they burned before I stood up straight.

A different numbness spread in my body and I desired for having more blood suddenly.

My hair was diffused in the air, uncombed and tangled as I approached the bar to figure out where Wayne was. It took me a couple of minutes to get in control of my senses and when I did, I slammed my hands around the bar and wrapped my fingers.

"Wayne!" I yelled his name. "I'm starving..."

"I don't care." He shrugged, still seated on the same chair except for it was moved to the wall where he could rest easily.

But from looking at his face I could tell he hadn't rested for even a minute. There were bags under his eyes, dirt from when we had fought in the backyard, and even a small cut under his jaw. It might have been my fingernails. I wasn't really sure.

I leaned forward, my head against the bar now, "Please. Just give me one of the blood bags. The only reason why I killed those people was because you starved me." I pouted at him but he barely looked in my direction.

"Mhm. That's what desperate people say." His arms were folded across one another and his eyes were pressed shut.

My head swung back and forth. The hunger was becoming a bit to real to handle. "Come on, Wayne." I pleaded.

"Nope." He barely showed any emotion. "You're not getting anything."

"It's been hours!" I snapped at him, wanting to force him out of his peaceful trance. "For fuck's sake, give me something. You're the reason why I'm like this."

It slipped out of my mouth from nowhere. I didn't blame Wayne but he was a part of the reason why I was like this. If I hadn't been forced back here, my mother couldn't have gotten to me and he hadn't left me alone that day, I wouldn't have become the monster I was.

The emotion on his face shifted and he opened his eyes, "What did you say?"

I swallowed hard, "Don't act like this isn't your fault."

"Oh, so now you want to blame me for your mother's actions?" Enraged, he stood up from the seat finally and approached me with a dangerous gaze. He clenched his teeth together and neared me. The distance finally disappeared. I took in his scent and breathed out while my eyes moved with his. "Day and day, you trusted her, Clara. Don't put this on me. You want to go ahead and blame someone, blame her but don't you dare blame me for your mother's mistakes."

"Let me get out of here." I scowled at him, wanting to leave this prison for once and all.

"You're not leaving." He replied, stern on his words.

"I don't want to be in this hellhole. I never wanted to even come back," I scoffed and shook my head. "You forced me back here, you forced me into this life again. I didn't need you to save me. I was doing perfectly well on my own and I'll do perfectly well myself. So, open the fucking door and let me go. I promise I won't kill any of your watchdogs." My mouth turned bitter, words turned vile, and I wasn't sure what I was sputtering out from then onwards.

Hunger and anger unleashed itself out of me. My head became heavy and all I desired after it was blood and only blood.

Wayne stared into my eyes for a while longer before he moved back. For a moment I thought he was going to leave the room or worse snap at me but instead, with a straight posture, he inserted the key into the lock and unlocked the room.

Freeing me.

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