Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

I stepped out of the house and a cold shiver ran down my spine, forcing the hair to rise over my skin even when I was covered in layers of warm clothes. I took a sniff before glancing around, casually eyeing the cars that were parked at the driveway.

No one was using them...

A man was passing by, someone who seemed like he'd be taking care of the cars in this place. I raised my hand, waved at him and in a just a few seconds, he began walking toward me.

"Do you take care of the cars?" I asked, hand folded across my chest and my voice as deep as it could get. I had learned a few things here and there over the past year.

"Yes, ma'am." He replied, nodding.

"Good. Get me the keys for the black one." I twisted my neck only a little to direct him toward the black car that was parked behind a blue sports car. "And fast and make sure Wayne doesn't knows about this—" That came out wrong. The man looked up at me, confused. "I mean, I'm his guest and I'll inform him later and I don't want you troubling him."

"All right. I'll fetch the key for you," He replied before rushing toward a small shed near the driveway. He returned just in a few seconds with a key dangling off his fingers.

I took the key from him and whispered, "Thank you."

Once I got inside the car, I was quivering with cold. It took a few minutes before the heater blasted inside the car and warmed me up. I couldn't even think about walking around with myself, in this cold.

Why was it so cold?

Before Wayne could notice me, outside in his driveway, stealing his car, I sped out and began driving on the old roads of my hometown. It was all a clear picture in my head. I remembered everything. I hadn't forgotten a single piece of detail. The memory was as fresh as it all happened yesterday.

I didn't keep a track on anyone, Wayne or my Mother who had fled town long ago. Leaving past to the past was the best thing I could do for myself.

But today, I found myself driving toward the hills, unwillingly. I pressed my fingers around the steering wheel harder while looking above at the hills from the car. I assumed there must've been some snow falling this week as some parts were covered with snow.

Dirt went under the tires and rolled as I found the car bumping over a few rocks and puddles of rainwater. The car moved slowly as I took in the beauty of the hills for the first time in a long time.

When I reached the location where the omega's resided, I found the place different. A few cabins were developed. There was a small motel around the corner and a few other small buildings scattered here and there. The roads were better, smoother than I had been here the last time. There were people walking, omega's, freely without a care in the world. There were stores here and there, cafes' and restaurants as well.

Wayne kept his promise, he did change the way omegas lived. He gave them what they wanted and lived up to his words.

I parked my car on the side and stepped out as I couldn't take my car further in between the houses. My eyes scurried around, staring at the rugged, steep hills around while I buried my shivering hands into the brims of my jacket.

I knew I should've dressed better but it wasn't like I had enough time to do so.

I walked over to the market, taking in the fresh scents of flowers and fruits. It was delightful, different, just as I hoped for it to be.

Only if I hadn't had to loose everything for this to happen...

"Clara—Clara Hougton?"

I spun around, seeking for the female who had called out my name. To my surprise it was Rose, the same Rose I had worked with at the packhouse for years.

"Rose?" My lips parted and my surprise washed over me. "Oh my God. You—you look so different!" I exclaimed, rushing over to her.

"You too." She wrapped a tight arm around my shoulder, quickly hugging me before moving back as she was holding bags on her other hand. "How are you doing? When did you return? What happened?" She asked, knowing nothing.

I didn't want to repeat everything.

"Just yesterday." I replied, giving out only a few words as there was nothing more to say.

"Come over for a while. Mom's making some soup. You can join us if you're free." She offered with a honest smile.

I didn't hesitate taking her offer as there weren't many people who would offer me to join them for anything. Rose wasn't aware of my whereabouts, she didn't knew that Wayne had dragged me here nor did anyone else. Her offer was truthful.

"Yes. I would love that. Thank you." I responded while returning her smile.

"Come on. It's just around the corner." She draped her bags over her shoulders and began walking back toward her house.

It was a small cabin, only a five minute walk away from the market. When I stepped inside the house, I smelled mushrooms and different herbs in the air and the scent of freshly cooked soup struck me with some old memories of my own Mother cooking for me when I visited her.

"Sit. Make yourself comfortable. I'll just go drop these at the kitchen and let my Mom know you're here." Rose said, hurrying toward the closed kitchen and opening the door of it.

I sat down on the brown, somewhat plush couch and looked around. A several seconds passed by and Mrs. Dakota stepped out with her daughter, Rose. I stood up and warmly greeted her.

"Oh, it's a surprise to see you here." She whispered, rubbing my back while her eyes bore into mine. No. I knew what was coming next. "I heard what happened. I'm sorry for your loss."

I lined my lips straight and nodded, "It's fine, it's been a long time."

She quickly changed the atmosphere after finding me uncomfortable, "Well, don't worry, you'll heal and you'll be in peace. For now, I'm warming up some mushroom soup. Have it and stay for a bit."

While working at the packhouse, I had met Mrs. Dakota more than just a few times. She often came over to see her daughter, Rose, who worked along with me and bought food for her and the rest of the omegas that worked with us.

Mrs. Dakota returned to the kitchen while Rose remained with me. She sat down onto the next couch. I took in a few breaths, holding myself together.

"Have you heard anything—" I paused myself, wondering if I wanted to ask the question. "—anything about my—" It was harder than I had thought, bringing her up into anything.

"No," Rose shook her head, understanding what I was going to ask. "Nothing at all. The last we heard was that she fled town with her brother. I suppose you were around during that time."

"Yes." I nodded. The expectations I had were broken and so was my voice after that.

I didn't exactly expected to have a run-in with Mom but I did expect for her to be looking for me or something along those lines. Not a single call or a single message or anything.

I was devastated.

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