Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

"This is good stuff," I whispered while bringing the glass of wine against my lips and taking a quick sip of it. The last time I had drank anything was a couple months ago, when I was in a bar, bored of killing people in the city. That drink was merely out of boredom and nothing more.

This one was a reward.

"Do you want some?" I offered to Wayne as he leaned over the counter, his one hand resting underneath his body while the other one was under his chin. He gawked at me as if I was drinking someone's blood and not wine.

"Your mother is downstairs..." He trailed off, reminding me.

I rolled my eyes and groaned, "So what?" The words continued to hover me in the silence. I turned to face him and continued, "I'm not going to bother with her. Yes, she did birth me but that's all. Don't expect me to have any sympathy for her."

"I'm not even expecting." He shook his head and than took the other glass of wine from the table.

We stared at each other for a second before clinking our drinks together and cheering. With every sip I took, I kept my eyes on Wayne and how he had been startled with this all. He hadn't expected for my mother to be caught. But, I knew my mother. She was going to come for me and she did.

Just at the perfect time.

The sky was dark, the night had fallen and the moon was at its peak. The weather became foggy and cold but to our luck, we returned home long before we were going to get caught in traffic down the main highway.

My mother was sleep asleep, drugged to sleep. We used a couple doses on her, ensuring she wouldn't wake up until a while. She remained underground, in the basement. While the warriors carried her in, I took a glance of the basement and it hadn't changed. It was the same basement from the pack house, the same grounds.

"Why didn't you change the basement?" I asked Wayne as the questioned scurried in my head.

He shrugged, "I didn't want to. Too many memories..."

"Of you killing people?" I cocked a brow at him. This was slowly taking a dark turn. "Is that where you keep your preys? Or your blood bags?"

Wayne paused and snapped his head at me, "Who told you that?" He questioned, a serious look gathering over his face.

"Huh," I took a sip of the wine, ignoring the question and not wanting to drag Nora's name into this. "I guess I just took a guess."

"Clara..." He called out my name and it came perfectly out of his mouth. His voice forced me to turn my head around and meet with his gaze.


"Nora told you, didn't she?" He asked.

I sank back into the seat and nodded, "Yes. But please, don't kill her. I asked her to tell me. I wanted to know about it—about your lifestyle."

"You could've asked me."

"I was—I wasn't sure." I said softly. There were quite a few things I was no longer sure about. It still terrified me to the core and the entire monster thing was still threatening and new to me. I didn't know how to understand Wayne or even if I could but I was giving it a chance.

I couldn't let myself judge him the way he was once.

People changed.

So did he.

I set the wine glass on the table and stood up from the long seat. Falling on my toes, I straightened my shirt and my pants before clearing my throat and announcing what I intended on doing. "I'm going downstairs—to check on her and she if she is awake. If she is, I'll question her and if she's not, I'll come back."

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