Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"It wasn't supposed to be like this. I was doing perfectly fine until Thomas set his eyes on me. I'm really sorry for the trouble." I said, walking alongside with him and taking steps farther away from the warehouse. My wrists continued to ache along with the rest of my body. There was a stiffness that I needed to get rid of.

"It's completely fine." Wayne replied. The silence and the quietness gloomed in his voice. We barely uttered any words to each other.

I glanced over at him once more, remembering the face before my eyes diverted back to the ground.

I didn't know what to feel. I was certainly shocked and consumed by the idea of Wayne, my mate, being present beside me after a long year of nothing. We made no contact, not a single word or a call to one and other.

When I stepped out of the warehouse, I quickly recognized the location—the outskirts of the city where no one ever came. There was a dock nearby. The smell of ships, water and cargo was strong but not strong enough as the scent of my mate. My mind was a blur, it seemed like as if a cloud had taken place in my head.

Wayne's arm stretched forward, handing me my phone. At first, for a slight moment, I thought he wanted to hold hands, but that uncertainty was quickly crushed away when I saw my phone's light.

"Oh. Thank you so much." I took it from his hand and swept through the messages.

Kristen dropped a couple of messages. She questioned where I was and rang a few times. When unanswered, she wrote out her concerns and then sent a snap of her son inside the cab, they were then going home, and I needed not to worry about Jerry as he was taken care of.

I sent her a quick message, informing, and apologizing to her about my disappearance. There wasn't much I could apart from that.

While replying to Kristen, I continued to follow wherever Wayne led me to. Moments later, after peeling my eyes away from my phone, I raised my head and stared at the jet resting in front of me.

"Do you have any thing you need to get?" Wayne asked, turning around. The bulging muscles in his arms flexed as he moved. He had gotten a lot leaner than before, probably stronger.

But, wait. What?

"Oh, no, no." I shook my head, panicking from within. "I can't leave right now. I've things to take care of." I replied, taking a few steps back, away from him and the jet.

Was he here to take me back? To his home? To his town?

I wasn't ready to go anywhere.

"I know but I can't leave you here alone. You must come back with me, Clara." There it was, his tone, his dominance, his strong alpha voice that made me want to get down on my knees for him, it made my wolf weak, weak enough to submit.


"I can't. I'm sorry. I know this all must've been a trouble for you. And I appreciate it," I placed my stiff hand over my chest and continued, "Thank you for saving me but I can't go back." I replied, sternly. I hadn't even thought about it.

"Clara," He uttered my name while clenching his fists. Fury washed over his face for a second. "I'm aware of the things you've done, and we both know they don't look pretty." He slipped his hand underneath the nape of my neck before pulling me forward until we are face to face. "I wanted to be a better person, I left you alone to carry out your revengeful grudges but you're not the law and there is nothing you can do that will fix the wrong in this city. At the end of the day, Thomas will come for you if you proceed with murdering his men and spreading their bodies across the city."

He knew.

I was disappointed. There were things I wanted to keep completely private when I started with my new life and for the most part, I believed Wayne knew nothing about me or whereabouts. I was wrong. He had kept his tabs on me. But how?

"I understand you'll move onto another city. But how many more people? There is a list of names, and it's a long list." His head lowered in disappointment. "And it's getting to tire to constantly keep up with it, Clara."

My lips parted in confusion. "Why would you keep up with it?" I questioned.

"Do you really think you can get away from killing these wolves?" He asked, shooting me a glare. His forehead scrunched as he waited for my answer.

The truth snapped into me. What?

"I—I don't know. Why?"

I thought I was getting away with it until Thomas captured me but that was all. I had never been harmed before by anyone. The more I thought, the odder it seemed now.

Wayne leaned in, whispering to me, "There is only enough I can pay the families of the wolves you have murdered, and some come from very strong families that would sweep you away from this city in minutes. It's dangerous for you to stay here, and I'll be honest, I'm tired of handling your game of eliminating the bad players."

I stared up at him while keeping distance between us. A second slipped by, our eyes connected and my body began betraying me, precisely my wolf.

"What are you going to do with me?" I bared my teeth to him as I began to feel the impact he was trying to take, the control.

"I'm your Alpha and you'll listen to me even if you don't want to." He said before slipping his hand underneath my elbow.

I felt every piece of my body submitting to him, just as I thought it would. When I tried to reject the pack bond, the mate bond arrived, only forcing me furthermore. My wolf and my body trapped me, shoving me straight into my mate's control.

"You can't do this to me. Wayne, you promised." I stated, gritting my teeth together as anger pounded through my veins.

"I promised to let you heal alone but I'm not seeing any healing here, Clara. You're coming with me, whether you want it or not. I've seen enough, handled enough. I'm not going to let you turn into an insane killer." He replied, groaning, and holding me tighter in his grip. Underneath the moonlight, his face was brimming with anger, frustration, and disappointment.

Was I so wrong? All along, I thought I was doing the right thing. It made me heal, a little but it finally felt like I was deciding for myself. It was my life, and I was at least free in living it.

Raising my head, I stared into his eyes, finding the lost love beneath them. It was still there, buried and waiting for me. He hadn't moved on, not even a bit.

"Fine. I'll come with you—after I do this one last thing." I said, pulling my hands away from him.

"What?" He quickly asked, sounding worried.

"Finishing Thomas." 

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