Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

It had been a week, maybe more than a week. I couldn't tell. I lost track of time long ago and I couldn't even remember exactly when. I had been clueless and reckless.

I took in a deep breath and stepped down the stairs after a long morning of being in bed. My gaze lashed left and right, staring at the big empty foyer in front of me. The house was lit dim, barely any lights were on except for the ones near to the door. I twisted my neck all the way around to glance at the kitchen while wondering if there was someone. But to my terrible luck, there was no one inside nor could I sense anyone. The house was dull, boring and quiet.

Nora had left the grounds along with most of the security and the other maids that worked here. There was no one left in this house except for me and sometimes, Wayne would pass by, ensuring I was doing alright.

I could tell why this was all happening, why he was torturing me.

There was this one that I had escaped, left the house with informing anyone and that day, I had tasted fresh, warm blood for the first time. I had attacked a man that was walking by himself and although he was old, his blood was the sweetest. It fulfilled me for a good hour before I went ahead and hunted another person—this time a woman.

It wasn't a couple of hours later Wayne realized that I was missing and when he did, he paved through the entire town and hunted me down. After that incident, I was forbidden to leave the house, let alone even go outside.

One of those people that I had attacked died over the next morning. Wayne didn't exactly tell me if it was the old man or the woman as he was worried for me. With death came guilt and I couldn't take that along with the hunger.

I stayed in my room for as long as I could but there were times where I wanted to head outside and tear through the town as that man in the woods had once done. The pleasure of drinking straight from the throat was different, mouth-watering.

Once I was down from the stairs, I walked over the bright tree planted in the middle of the house. It was a Christmas tree, for Christmas. Wonderful. The tree nearly kissed the ceiling of the ground level of the house. Lights were wrapped around the tree along with small, bright decorations.

When I lowered my gaze, I found boxes of gifts wrapped in gift-wrapping paper.

Anger rolled inside me out of nowhere and I tore up the gift boxes. My claws ripped through the paper and over the box. I didn't care what was inside or how much it valued. I wanted to destroy them all.

The door opened and it didn't take a second for me to guess who it was. There was only one man that dared to ever come in front of me and it was Wayne.

"What are you doing?" He asked, standing in the foyer, near to the door. The keys cackled in between his fingers as he stepped forward.

"When was the last time we celebrated Christmas? Do we even celebrate Christmas? What's this tree for?" I grunted, grabbing onto the lights that were wrapped around the tree.

"I thought you'd feel more cosy and homey with the tree." He whispered, now breathing down my neck as he stood idle behind me.

The string lights wrapped around my fingers and with a strong tug, I pulled them all away from the tree. It was ridiculous. This was ridiculous.

"Are you freaking kidding me?" I snapped at him. "I'm fucking hungry. I don't need to feel homey or cosy. I need blood and I need to the get the hell out of here before I loose my mind completely and kill you!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and it only worsened the dryness in my throat.

"I'd see you try that..." He trailed off, his voice calm as ever. Nothing I did affected him in any sort of way. The way he handled everything was a bit surprising.

He walked away from me without submitting to the argument I was trying to have with him. I shot him a look when he sat down on the nearest couch and pulled out his phone. His face illuminated and then I saw him without any worry. He had been out the entire day, leaving me completely alone by myself and without any blood.

I had ripped the kitchen into half, searching for blood and even went down to the basement, hoping to find any scraps of it.


At this point, he was starving me—not teaching me control.

I cleared my throat and stomped over to him, "I want blood and you promised you'd give me tonight."

"I don't remember saying any of that." He shrugged, his eyes glued to his phone. He didn't even dare to look at me.

"You did." I neared him, standing behind the couch and glancing at the phone in his hand. He was talking to someone, I couldn't see clearly as I was deprived of blood and weak. "I'm not going to sleep starved." I folded my arms across my chest and murmured.

"You'll have to. At least tonight." He tucked away his phone and moved his attention to me.

This all was the outcome of the punishment he was trying to give me for that one night I was free and decided to kill someone and nearly someone else's head off their body. There wasn't much I knew what was going outside but I had learned earlier yesterday that the town curfew had been changed. Shops and restaurants closed earlier, before the the sky would darken completely. There were patrols at the borders, more warriors roaming on the streets of the town and stricter rules.

I couldn't tell why.

Though, I had an idea. It was either because of me running loose and killing people or it was because Wayne feared that my mother would return and poison others in the middle of the night. The entire operation to destroy the poison under the Alpha of the Goldridge pack came to idle stop when I was poisoned and unable to do anything except feed on blood for a living. I had tried to control myself in every way but it became difficult and hard to do so. There were some days where I was able to easily live and breathe without blood but there were some days where I wanted to attack Wayne and kill him.

I did once. I attacked him out of nowhere last night and it resulted in me being locked up inside the room till today morning. He was stronger than me regardless and had much more strength then I could ever have. Though, he had told me later on that he had seen some difference in the way I fought with him. He found me becoming more stronger day by day and more out of control.

"Please, Wayne." I begged him. Lowering my arms, I wrapped them around his neck and leaned over till my mouth was against his warm cheeks. "Just a little bit and I promise after that, I will leave you alone." I whispered in his ears while my fingers raced underneath his shirt and across his flesh.

"Mhm. No." He shook his head.

"Please..." I pouted and gave him the baby eyes. It never worked—not with him and I already knew that but I wanted to try. "Just for tonight. I haven't had anything to eat. I feel as if my head is going to burst into a hundred pieces if I don't have blood."

He looked up, "You know I can't give you, Clara." His voice was breaking, he was breaking.

I ran my tongue over my lips and inched closer to his ears while my fingers raced to his chest. "Can't I convince you otherwise?" I asked, my tone entirely different, offering something else.

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