Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

A shiver ran down my spine and suddenly the hunger left my stomach. "What do you mean?" I clicked my eyes to Wayne. "Have you seen her?"

"No." He shook his head.


"I'm assuming she's the one that might have poisoned the man and that man belonged to the pack, which means that your mother is somewhere here." He continued, speaking slowly and cautiously.

I wanted to hunt my mother down, find her, question her and force her guilty for all the terrible things she had done. I wanted her to be punished, not just for today but for everything she had done. Over the year, I had grown to resent her, hate her more than I could possibly hate anyone.

I pursued my lips and gripped the knife on the side of the table while taking in heavy breaths.

What did she want now?

"Why do you think she is here? D—do you think you can find her?" I asked him while stammering on my words as the thought of my mother made me quite nervous.

"I think she's going to find you. Her appearance here after a long time only means one thing. She wants to see you. She wants you, Clara." He said to me while bringing his hand underneath his chin.

For a moment, I thought he wasn't wrong. But why now? It had been a year. She could have reached out to me anytime. And why was she poisoning innocent pack wolves? What did she want from me?

My heart jumped a beat when I heard Nora walk inside the dining room. She came with another tray filled with food. I tore my attention away from Wayne and looked at her as she set the food down on the table.

Raising her head, she said to him, "Let her eat. This all can be discussed in the morning. She's injured."

Wayne nodded his head and agreed. His eyes flicked over to mine and he lined his lips straight, shutting them close for the rest of the dinner.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to eat much after hearing that my mother had returned to the town. A thick lump of anxiety had formed around my throat and I couldn't swallow it down. My senses were suddenly heightened and I found myself thinking harder.

On the other hand, the events of tonight were haunting me as well. How was I ever able to sleep? I couldn't even think straight. My head throbbed with every step I took up the stairs after dinner, the sensation spread all through my body and I felt the discomfort everywhere.

"Are you okay?" Wayne whispered, walking a few inches behind me. His arm was extended incase I would fall from the stairs but he had forgotten that I wasn't that weak to fall into his arms.

"Yes. I'm just going to rest." Once I reached the floor, I headed straight over to the door to my room.

Wayne's bedroom door was just the opposite of where I had been sleeping. Although, most of my time here, we had slept together tonight, I wanted to be alone, completely alone. I couldn't find myself lying beside him.

I was too afraid.

Of him.

"Goodnight, Clara." He said behind me.

I pressed my hand around the handle of my bedroom door and looked over my shoulders, "Goodnight." The corner of my lip curled into a quick momentary smile.

He stood against the wall for a few good seconds. I could sense him outside even when I had stepped inside my room and closed the door behind me.

Something tightened in my stomach and before I could let my nerves race, I took a breath out and collapsed on the bed.

The curtains to the room were drawn open and the moonlight shone right into my bedroom. I stared outside for a long time before my eyes shut closed and I drifted into a deep sleep.

I woke up late in the morning when the sun was at its peak, its light blinding me just as I opened my eyes. I groaned and turned the other way around, grabbing my blanket along with me. Seconds passed by, I hoped to sleep for a long while but instead, I was consumed with thoughts and terrors of last night.

Out of frustration, I woke up and walked over to the washroom to snap out of the sleep I had been in. Staring at the mirror, I lowered my gaze to the wound on my neck where the monster had bitten me. It had closed up and only a bluish bruise remained.

I pressed my fingers against it and felt a little ache but it passed away immediately.

I closed my eyes and the image of the monster appeared. I found him sinking his teeth into my flesh brutally, sucking my blood, feeding on me like no one ever had.

It was monstrous.

I left my bedroom a few minutes after freshening up and changing. I had taken a quick shower to get rid of the dry blood on my body. The warm water had helped me awaken.

"Nora," I called out her name while descending down from the stairs. She was going to enter another room until she hadn't heard me. "Where is Wayne? His bedroom is empty."

"He had left a while ago but I'm sure he'll be returning some time soon. I can help you with anything if you'd wish. Let me cook for you something." She set aside the box she had been holding and wiped away her hands before scurrying off to the kitchen.

I opened my mouth to say something to her but it was already to late. She was in the kitchen.

"Oh, please, Nora, I don't want to eat anything. Coffee would be good," I quickly rushed behind her and said. Placing my hand over my hip, I took a quick glance at my surroundings, "I wanted to see Wayne. Do you know where he went by any chance?" I was curious.

Did he go out to find someone to feed on?

I shook my head immediately and brushed away those thoughts.

How else could Wayne survive without blood?

"He went to check on the victims of last night—attack. Some of them were hospitalized and injured terribly as he tells me." She turned on the stove and boiled water for me as I waited against the counter.

The questions returned to my head like little, torturing whispers. I chewed on my lips and wondered about Wayne.

"What does he feed on?" I asked Nora out of the blue.

She gasped underneath her breath and turned to me, "I'm sorry, what?" Her eyes were wide, she had understood what I had asked her yet she denied hearing my question.

"What does he feed on?" I repeated. "He told me he doesn't feed on people and he doesn't hurt them. How else does he survive? Does he drink from animals?" I didn't know what to think but I wanted an answer. I wanted to know what else he had been hiding from me.

I could see the hunger in his eyes whenever we were in an intimate moment and that hunger wasn't for sex, it was for my blood.

Nora chuckled at my suggestion and then she slammed her mouth shut, "I'm sorry," She whispered before clearing her throat. "He receives a delivery from the local blood bank once in a while. I haven't seen it so I'm not sure but I suppose that's what keeps him going and alive."

So he did drink blood.

He couldn't survive without blood. He needed to drink it in order to keep himself alive and strong but he was cautious about it and he didn't harm anyone in the process.

"Have you—have you seen him like a—" I didn't know what were the right words to use here. "His face different and monstrous?"

"Clara..." Her voice quivered but she maintained her posture. "It's different. He's a different person than before."

I leaped forward from the counter and approached her, "Did he ever hurt you?"


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