Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

The house was quiet until Wayne arrived an hour later after I woke up. I killed the time in the library, going through books and learning about the history of werewolves until he came. The conversation with Nora lasted for only a few minutes. I didn't question her any longer once she had told me that he hadn't hurt her, not once in the past year.

He wasn't lying. He had it under control—at least for himself.

"How are the injured wolves?" I asked him as he came inside the library and greeted me.

"They are better. The wounds heal up quick."

"And the ones that died?"

"I paid respects to their families." He answered, lowering his gaze and curling his arms behind his back.

There were a couple of deaths from last night. I wasn't sure how many but a few warriors were ripped by the monster and killed before Wayne could kill him. He only acted when the monster had attacked me and if he hadn't, he wouldn't have killed him.

I closed the book I had been reading and set it aside on the table. Standing up, I walked away from the brown couch and over to where Wayne stood, just behind me.

"I was thinking we should go to the hills," I suggested while chewing the inside of my mouth. "It's where my mother would be the closest to. She has her friends there. Maybe we could question them, see if anyone knows or if anyone had seen her."

It made the most sense that my mother would visit the hills. If she was the one behind poisoning the man from yesterday then she must've been around the hills, maybe following us while we were running around the forest. Maybe she was there the entire time.

Watching us.

I didn't know what to think anymore.

"You're right. We should go there." He nodded and agreed with me. "Let me change. I'll meet you outside in fifteen." He quickly said before turning around and leaving the library.

I returned to the couch as Wayne left the room. Opening up the book, I began reading again about the history of werewolves. There was one time when my mother and Uncle Hawk had formed a poison that could weaken a wolf and it worked.

It weakened Brian for a long time.

The plant that the poison was received from was mentioned in the book I had been reading. It was an interesting read. But nowhere in the book, it was mentioned about a man who fed on other's blood to live. It was something out of the world.

I continued reading and scurrying through the rest of the pages whilst Wayne changed upstairs.

I couldn't leave him regardless of what all he had become or how terrible it was. I was mated to him, destined with him and we had a bond that couldn't be broken. Parting ways or leaving him forever wasn't an option anymore. For the sake of my own sanity, I wanted to help him, change him back if it was possible but none of that meant that we were going to be in a happy, perfect relationship ever.

We were far from that.

There were just too many wounds in this relationship and they weren't closing up anytime soon.

We left in a car moments later with a driver by our side. He drove us toward the hills which were a mere twenty minutes' drive away. During the drive, I took a few deep breaths and steeled myself from whatever was going to come in my direction.

Yesterday's incident had caused an uproar among some of the warriors in training. Rumors were spreading and questions were rising second by second. Some of them were beginning to fear what was inside the forest even when that man was dead.

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