Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

The next morning I woke up with an agonizing headache. I silently lifted myself off the bed without wasting another second. The daylight returned, a gentle breeze rustled through the trees outside of the window. I turned my head around to seek Wayne, assuming he would be on the bed, next to me but he wasn't.

I blinked a few times, adjusting my vision. Where did he go? Walking over to the door, I tried opening it but failed. It was still locked.

Did he jump out of the window?

"Looking for me?" I heard his morning voice, behind me.

Turning around, I found Wayne walking out of the washroom with only a towel tied around his bits. The rest of him was bare and the memory of last night was still soaking in. I hadn't forgotten the terrible thing he had done with me.

"No," I laughed out before folding my hands across my chest. "Why would you think that? Lol. I'm only trying to get out of here." I said, pressing my back against the locked door.

And it was true. I wanted to run from this room and from Wayne's presence, find a quiet, secluded spot where I could peacefully breathe.

"Why would you want to leave? Do you have another friend you'd like to meet?" He asked, walking toward me. I tried to keep my focus on his eyes rather than his wet chest and his soaking wet hair.

"No. I just wanted to get out of this room. It's suffocating me." I whispered to him.

"Something else was also suffocating you last night." He taunted, picking up the key from under the vase. It had been right there the entire night and I couldn't find it and left earlier.

Well, after the little accidental intimacy last night, I fell asleep straight as I couldn't stop thinking about Wayne when he was just resting beside me and the quickest way I found to forget about him was to fall asleep.

I snatched the key off his fingers and pushed it inside the lock before any more of my sanity was going to be taken away. Just as the door unlocked, I pivoted around and said, "None of that is ever going to happen again and I'm never going to sleep with you again."

"We will see," Shaking his head and chuckling, he turned around. Ugh. I clenched my fists in anger. Why? "Oh, wait," He spun around and stopped me before I could leave. "Be ready by the afternoon. There is something we need to do."

I opened my mouth to argue and snap back as if I was going to do anything he wished me to do. Before I could even say anything, he cut me off and continued, "Be ready, Clara. Don't make me furious again or you'll be tied to bed once more and it won't be such a pretty sight."

I rolled my eyes at him and stomped out of the room. Leaving, I slammed the door and walked away with a loud thud. My nostrils flared in anger and I tightened the sheets around my breasts before carrying myself into my room and hopping in for a shower.

As much as I tried to resist him, it wasn't happening. Every fiber in my body wanted him—I wanted him but it was too risky. There was too much history between Wayne and me and I feared it.

I didn't want things to repeat again. I didn't want to fall head over heels for him and risk it all. I didn't want to lie to him or cover-up. I didn't want to threaten my own life. I didn't want to betray him and I certainly didn't want to get pregnant just to lose another unborn child.

Something happened a year ago and it crushed me. I couldn't be the same woman Wayne loved. He loved someone entirely different—I wasn't that anymore.

But he still was.

* * *

Sharp bright lights fell over my face and over the mall I had stepped in with Wayne. After a lot of thinking, I decided to obey him for once and let him take me wherever he wanted to go.

"Mhm. Finally. You got me here for shopping." I said, a cheerful smile plastered over my face. If there was something better in this world, it was shopping for me and getting new clothes to wear after having to wear the same old rags for days and days.

"I didn't get you here for shopping. Don't be wild." Wayne said between his teeth before throwing his arm over my shoulder. I stared at him in disbelief and he narrowed his eyes down to mine. "What?"

I cocked my brow, "You're not my boyfriend." I said, giving him a dirty look about having his arm around me.

He tightened his hold and nodded, "I'm not your boyfriend but I'm your mate. Don't forget that, kitten." Somehow, the mate bond still encourages him up.

I thought he would've found someone else by now but according to Rose, nothing. No one had heard rumors about him being with another woman. I didn't know if I should've been happy about it or sad.

Maybe happy.

"So what are we doing here, then?" I asked as he led me into a boutique full of prom dresses and other evening dresses. Stones and sequins glimmered in front of me and I thought about the last time I had worn one of these dresses.

It was a long time ago.

"Getting you a dress..." He trailed off while slowly removing his arm from my shoulder and speaking to the woman approaching us.

A dress?

"For what?" I furrowed my brows together in confusion. Only then, something clicked in my mind.

The gala.

Could it be?

Wayne spoke to the woman and told her about me. He mentioned something sparkly or along those lines but I didn't hear him after that as I was to desperate to know what I needed a dress for.

Once he finished talking to her, he swiveled around and explained, "There is a charity event by the weekend and I'd like you to come along with me. Not that it's an option. You're going to come whether you like it or not."

"There comes the threats..." I rolled my eyes. "At least you can be a gentleman and ask me to come."

He placed his hands on my face and lowered his face to mine. For a minute, I believed he was going to be nice for once but I guess I was wrong. "When have I ever been gentle with you?" He asked, pouting. "That's right. Never."

I pushed his hands from my face and turned around to glance at the dresses. "At least I can choose my own dress, right?"

"You can." I heard his voice behind me as I shuffled through the dozen and dozen heavy, evening dresses.

"So, what is this charity event for?" I quietly threw in the question. I had known about it since I arrived here but I was waiting for Wayne to tell me about it. "Are you hosting it?"

"Yes, and it's just a little something to give back." He responded.

I swallowed down my laughter before it came bursting out. "Right? Like we all don't know the big bag Alpha isn't capable of giving anything." I scoffed, shaking my head.

"I've changed, Clara." He cleared his throat while still standing idle behind me as I moved across the shelves to find something good to wear.

"Please..." I rolled my eyes and then turned around. There was a bit of truth on his face but the rest of it was filled with lies and mischiefs. "Tell me. Is it something secretive? Are you going to kill someone or take down a pack? Have you regrouped with other Alpha's nearby? Or is something bigger and badder?"

His lips lined straight at my words and he frowned, "Pick a dress." He ordered.

I chuckled to myself and turned around, resuming to find a dress for the secretive charity gala. Why did he even want me there? Did he need something from me? Is that why he bought me here in the first place? I guess I would know it all by the weekend.

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