Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

The sky was dark, clear with only a wisp of wind flickering in the air. The moon, a crescent, hung low, almost fading away with the night as the promise of a new day began. My eyes stung and burned from the tears that had shed. I wrapped my arms tighter around myself, and took in a quick breath.

I sat on the edge of the roof, overlooking the town. There were several houses that could be seen from a distance. Lights were all switched off as everyone was asleep. When I looked over my shoulders, I found the backyard that stretched long. Tears appeared in my eyes quickly and my heart ached when I thought about her burial.

I didn't knew what had happened after I was discharged from the hospital. I was in surgery and after that in bedrest for a few weeks. Then, the pain was unbearable. I had lost my child and I couldn't think about anything. It was soon after the accident that I left town and never returned until a while ago, when Wayne forced me back.

All this while, I hadn't thought about the surgery or what had happened during the time. I wasn't even aware of the sex of the baby. As weeks past, I mourned and began moving on, healing and not once I had wondered about it all. It was traumatic enough to go through it, I didn't want to re-think about it day and night.

Upon hearing footsteps coming from behind me, I reached forward and quickly dragged the back of my hands across my cheek, wiping away the tears that had slipped.

Wayne returned to me with a cup of coffee in his hand. He crouched down and offered one to me. I gladly took it, hoping the warmth of the beans could ease my mind and the throbbing headache. I felt pain at every inch of my body, from the top to the bottom. My heart hung heavy and full of sorrows in my chest even though it had been hours since I had seen it.

He sat beside me, "It's going to be morning soon." He whispered, glancing ahead.

I slipped the cup toward my mouth and took a sip of it. The coffee was bitter but it was what I needed. "Yeah."

"You feeling better?" He asked.

I shrugged, "I don't know."

Something changed within me when I saw the gravestone beneath. Everything that I had been holding back for ages just snapped and came forward. All of the pain and the tears I had suppressed for months and months poured straight out of me. I wailed for hours, till my eyes couldn't bear it anymore and neither could my throat.

All this while, I hadn't had the urge to drink blood.

It was gone.

The blood lust was gone along with any urges to kill and feed. It almost seemed like it never existed.

"I'm sorry..." I trailed off. "I said terrible things to you and I shouldn't have." I ran my tongue over my lower lip, savoring the taste of the coffee as it was just as bitter as blood. My head titled slightly and I glanced at Wayne who stared at the skies ahead of us. "I hope you can forgive me for that. And I would never blame you for anything." My eyes watered again.

He moved the cup of his coffee to his other hand and stretched the free one over my shoulders. Pulling me in, he squeezed my arm and said, "There is nothing you can do that is unforgivable, Clara. And I understand you, what position you were in."

"I was a monster." I whispered, shaking my head as my eyes became a bit wide in the thought of the person I had become over the past couple days.

I had no control over myself, I repeatedly snapped and killed people—innocent people. I drank blood as if I was the mightiest one. I snapped at Wayne for merely helping me. I called him a thousand things, vile words and accusations.

He held me harder against his chest, "You're not." He lowered his head, his eyes burning into mine and even after this all, there was nothing I saw in them except for the love he held for me. There was truly nothing that I did that would make him hate me.

"I love you," I mumbled to him a low tone, hoping he wouldn't hear—or he would.

The corners of his mouth curled, "I love you, too."

I drew my head away from his chest and ran my fingers through my hair while realizing what all I had done. "I can't believe I killed those guards." Every move, I began regretting. "They probably had family, children and—oh, I'm such a cruel person." I pressed my hand hard against my forehead and grunted at myself.

"It's okay, Clara." He rubbed my back. "I'll take care of the families, provide them with whatever they need."

"Thank you."

It wasn't enough but it was a start. There were mistakes I had made and I couldn't be forgiven easily. I had to carry the regret of all for the rest of my life and it was going to be a long life ahead. Either way, I knew Wayne was going to there, every step of the way, forgiving me every single time I made a mistake. In his eyes, there was nothing I had done that was cruel enough for him to turn himself away from me.

And when I took that in, I realized there was nothing Wayne could do either that I wouldn't forgive him for.

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