Chapter 68

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Chapter 68

It didn't matter if there was an army involved or not. My mother and my Uncle were far more than enough to bring destruction to the town. They still had their followers in the hill, omega's who believed in them and people who wanted to see Wayne out of his throne. It was going to be swift and easy for my mother to control his pack, especially after spilling the secrets we had been hiding for long.

Both of us, Wayne and I, had been compromised. We both were poisoned, turned into monsters and if our true images were seen by anyone in town, they would want to rule us out even if we had controlled ourselves. We were no longer true wolves as something worse, evil ran deep in our veins.

I wasn't sure whether my mother wanted to control the pack or destroy it by poisoning everyone but both of it was wrong and cruel. It was exactly what we were terrified off.

I was all prepared and willing to go with Wayne to Swanhill until I realized that my mother was wicked and this was all her doing. She wanted us to leave so we could make our people vulnerable and weak. Without an Alpha, they could be easily taken down or attacked.

"If there are any sightings of my mother or uncle, I need to be informed." I told Magnus in clear words and he understood me.

A couple hours had passed by since I parted away from Wayne. He was almost near Swanhill, just entering Grayson's territory and by midnight, he was going to learn the whereabouts of where the poison was being stored or whether it had been already used. God forbid if it had been used. Neither of us were sure about Grayson's pack and what kind of animals Wayne was going to deal with but we were keeping our hopes high, expecting that no one had been turned into a monster.

But there was only one end to this all and it was bringing an end to my mother and my uncle. They had knowledge and skills to form anything that could weaken and strengthen a werewolf. We needed to bring an end to them.

It was just like before, my mother was selling the poison to someone, an Alpha and she was creating more. There was no end to her cruelty. But as her daughter, it was my objective to kill her before she harmed anyone else.

"Nothing so far but we do have our eyes everywhere, even on the hills. If she contacts anyone, we will know." Magnus said, nodding his head and keeping his eyes wide open for the foreseeable future.

No body knew that I was here, not even Allison nor Nora. I killed time in Wayne's office, hoping for my mother to appear quicker. If she had learned that we both were out of town, she would attack soon but if she became aware that I stayed back, she wouldn't even hesitate knowing that I was out for her blood after the monster she had turned me into.

When Wayne contacted me earlier, I told him about my curiosity. He believed it was the right thing and that I was reading my mother's mind. We were still waiting for something, her appearance in the town as then it would confirm that she was the one planning it all from the beginning.

My phone rang ten minutes later and I picked it up immediately, "Hey! Did you reach?" I asked Wayne who had called me.

Tap water ran behind me before he began talking, "Yes. I reached a while ago. Just setting in. They asked about you—I told them you were on bedrest and couldn't make it."

"Good." I placed a hand over my hip as my body grew tense. "Anything about the poison? Does everyone looks normal or do they all look like monsters?" Every nerve in my body tightened. I was afraid of what would happen to Wayne if things didn't go the right way.

"Yes, everyone looks normal. I don't believe Grayson has spoken to anyone about the poison. I need a few days, Clara. It's not going to take a night." He said, worry in his tone.

I nodded my head and agreed, "Of course. It's alright. Just—just don't get hurt. If I handle my mother earlier, I'll be on my way to you and we both can get figure it out."

A few seconds of silence passed by before he asked, "How's everything there?"

I glanced at my surroundings, nothing had happened yet. "So far, it's calm. Don't worry, Wayne, your pack is in safe hands. I'll die before I'll let my own mother de-throne you." My face went tight and I pushed my shoulders back. Words were stern, solid and I wanted him to believe me.

"I don't want you to die, Clara." He took a sharp breath, shifting inside the washroom. The tap water continued to run, to block his voice from leaving the room. "I only left because you forced me to go. Don't do anything crazy or I'll be forced to return immediately."

The corners of my lips turned into a smile, "Don't worry. All will be good." My voice softened.


"I promise."

As soon as the call ended, I placed the phone on the desk and diverted my attention back to my mother's accomplices. I was wrong when I thought all of her omega's were ridden out of town. Some of them were still here, living and breathing right under our nose and no one knew. They blended in with the other omega's. But I remembered their names and their faces.

If anyone was going to get contacted by my mother, it was going to be one of them and we needed to keep an eye on each of them.

"What's wrong?" Magnus asked as he watched my face scrunch in disgust.

I tasted metallic in my mouth before I placed a hand over my chest while breathing heavily. "Nothing."

"You look like you're going to die." He rushed to my direction.

I shook my head and brushed him away before opening one of the wooden drawers and pulling out a blood bag that Wayne had stored inside. My stomach grumbled more and the metallic taste returned into my mouth, it was strong, strong enough for the contents of my stomach to fly out of my throat.

I placed my hand over my mouth as sweat dribbled down my forehead. Looking around, I searched for a bin and rushed toward it before grabbing it and puking. Everything that I had for breakfast came spilling out along with the blood I had taken earlier.

"Ooh, shit." Magnus gasped behind me.

I pushed away the bin and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand before grabbing a bottle of water. "Must be an expired blood bag..." I trailed off before letting the warm water flood down my burning throat.

"Blood doesn't expires." He whispered.

I froze on my movements and slowly drew the bottle away from my mouth. "Then it's probably something else." I shrugged it off and returned my attention to the names we needed. The omega's we needed to keep our eyes on for the next couple of days or at least until Wayne would return from Swanhill.

Magnus nodded and we got back to work without thinking of anything else.

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