Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Blow after blow, I wounded him, bruised him and released the ball of anger I had been holding back for days. I wasn't entirely furious over Noah for coming here and taking his revenge. It was also about all the rage I had been storing since I arrived here, all of the emotions I had to go through, the pain and the sadness. Finally, I had the chance to release it and I wasn't going to waste my chance.

I fought with Noah for as long as I could. He fought back, bruising me, biting me and wounding me. Every time I got hurt, the anger just grew.

While the music played inside the ballroom and the people danced, I battled with Noah outside in the parking lot, tossing myself here and there, feeding my anger, my own hunger for blood and death.

I laid on the ground, my left eye burning as it was nearly busted. My back was against the ground and I flickered my eyes open and shut, I gazed at the starry sky above me while breathing heavily and remaining conscious. The taste of metal appeared in my mouth and I spit it out before I could swallow my own blood.

I was bruised from everywhere.

I was hurting.

"Is that all you got, Omega?" Noah stood over me, his tall frame hovering over my motionless body.

I tried to regain my strength but nothing more was left. I turned my gaze away from the sky and onto his bruised face. With every chance I got, I fucked him up and sunk my claws into his face, leaving him with a nasty bruise.

The night grew colder.

"Fuck you, little bitch." I cussed at him while groaning in pain and turning around. My muscles clenched and I slowly breathed up before lifting myself off the ground and wiping the blood off my face.

Adrenaline pumped into my veins. I wasn't going to let someone kill me, not someone like Noah at least and not today.

I got off the ground like a cannon and fled farther away from Noah before he could take another strike at me. I needed to collect my strength before I could beat him. I was weak. I was an omega and I didn't have the strength to kill a Beta but over the last year, I had managed to kill quite a few strong wolves.

Noah was nothing compared to what I had killed in his city.

I escaped and hid behind a car while his chuckles echoed across the parking lot. He walked around circles, laughing and looking for me while I wrapped my arms around my shoulders and continued hiding.

Slow whimpers escaped my throat along with a few warm tears that cascaded down my bruised cheeks.

Was this a terrible idea?

It had been only twenty minutes since I threw Noah out of the ballroom and followed him outside to have a duel. Any more time and Wayne was going to notice I was missing.

Random, courageous words kept ringing in my head as I remained myself of my strength.

I wasn't weak and I needed to kill him, for my own satisfaction. I didn't hold any grudge against Noah but he was a Beta and I hated every male Beta I came across.

"Come out, little princess or I'll find you and kill you. I believe I could be in peace after killing you. I wouldn't have to go after your mate or your pack, or kill people around here. Just you will suffice!" He exclaimed, lifting cars and throwing them over the other one.

When he stopped talking, it was silent. The music from inside the ballroom had stopped. Nothing could be heard anymore, not even when I tried to focus.

I jerked myself away from the vehicle and revealed myself to Noah who was standing only a few inches away from me. His cat-like eyes were on me, and his lips were curled into a stiff grin.

Fueling myself enough, I leapt at him and tackled him down to the ground before he could take a strike at me. I placed one leg over his and the other one over his left arm while my hand fell over his right arm, straddling him so he wouldn't move.

Using up all of his strength, he tried to push me off but failed. My hands remained clamped on his arms as his muscles throbbed and restlessly moved underneath my grip. He growled and howled while leaning forward to bite me but every time he did something, he failed.

I held him harder to the ground until he became a little weak. Once he did, I rolled my hand into a fist and blew it over his face violently and I didn't stop till I saw blood.

For a minute, I was out of my mind, hitting him over and over again, imaging to end him right then and there. My canines extended, tearing through my lips and breaths were heavy as I continued attacking him.

Just as I was about to snap his neck, I was pulled away by a strong force and pushed back to the ground. As my body hit the ground with a thud, I returned back to my senses and raised my head to find Wayne standing over me.

"What the fuck—" He groaned for a lengthy second before continuing, "What the fuck are you doing?" His gaze went through my face, noticing the blood and the bruising before he turned his head around and glanced at Noah.

Did I have an explanation? No.

"He's the Beta of Thomas' pack!" I exclaimed as my chest rose and dropped in panic. I didn't want to get caught, not until I killed him.

"He's unconscious!" Wayne growled at me while signaling his men to take Noah inside.

What? I blinked hard and looked over at Noah who remained limp on the ground. Just a minute ago, he was awake, fighting with me. I couldn't have harmed him that much in a minute.

"He was going to kill me." I stated as everything began sinking inside me. It started with guilt. What was I doing? Fuck. What the fuck was I doing?

"And you couldn't come to me about it?" Wayne asked, grabbing my elbow and pulling me off the ground. "He's a fucking child! Were you planning on killing him?" A vein in his forehead bulged out and throbbed as he questioned me. Disbelief and disappointment covered his eyes.

"He's not a child," I shook my head. "He's the same age as I am. Maybe a year younger." I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "And I was just defending myself. Nothing more."

"You're out of your mind, Clara. Look what you've done to yourself? Do you even feel any of the pain?" He asked, holding my wounded face.

"No, I don't." I slapped his hands away as my eyes teared up. "I just feel anger and right now, I'm feeling a lot more of it. You shouldn't have stopped me. Why do you always do this, Wayne?" My head throbbed and blood pounded in my ears.

"Because I'm not going to let you kill anyone you feel like!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air out of frustration and giving me a hostile glare.

I closed my eyes and tried to regain control before I was going to say something I didn't want to say and Wayne didn't want to hear.

Taking in a few breaths, I snapped my eyes open and whispered, "If that Beta comes in the near future and tries to harm me in any way, it will all be on you because I could've killed him today." I placed my finger over his chest and tapped it before walking away from Wayne.

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