Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

The skies began turning dark just when the sun began disappearing completely. The golden hues were gone in just a couple of minutes but we did get lucky to see the sun setting from the hills. My heart thudded loud and hard in my chest, I felt enthralled and wild and so did Wayne. We took lead over one and another after every minute, we fought hard and bruised each other's wolf's slightly. We raced and tracked each other's scents across the forest.


The air became stiff and the atmosphere changed. We stopped on our tracks in the middle of nowhere, both of us sensing something unusual. There were wolves around, tons of pack wolves running around and some training but this was different.

'Do you smell it?' I asked Wayne while my nose wrinkled. It was strong—the stench of death and blood. If I could sense it, so could he and if we both did, it was somewhere near us.

'Yes. It's a lot worse. It's coming from somewhere around. We need to shift back.' He quickly said before turning into his human form only after a couple of seconds.

I closed my eyes and every bone in my werewolf body cracked and snapped before I formed into my own human self. Naked and cold, I began shivering almost immediately.

"You okay?" I rushed to him.

"Yes. It's just—it's too strong. I can smell the blood from here." Worry spread over his features as he unzipped the bag and grabbed his clothes.

I took mine and dressed myself while he dressed himself. In minutes, we both were clothed and in our human form.

Suddenly, a scream spread across the forest, turning our both heads to one direction. It was an awfully loud scream and it wasn't just one. Several more came by. It was a male's voice and it seemed like he was in pain.

"Stay behind me." Wayne whispered, holding out his arm for me as we began walking toward the source of the voice.

The screams became louder and louder as we inched closer. As it was dark, barely anything could be seen except for the moon that was full. It was unusual to hear any screams around the forest as there was security and pack wolves patrolling every where.

Except for the hills.

We were close to the hills, I could see the outlines from afar.

My pulse roared and my heart pounded in my chest. I folded my fingers, clenching my fists as it began getting colder. Hair over my skin rose as we continued to follow the screams.

Passing a full-grown tree, we reached a clearing where my horrors were turning into reality.

"Clara..." Wayne trailed off, breathing heavily.

In front of us, there was a tree and there a young boy slammed against the trunk. The boy was screaming for his life and his eyes were watering as he tried to free himself from the monster that had his teeth an inch deep inside his neck.

I gasped and placed my hand over my mouth before taking a step back. I couldn't comprehend what was happening. Even if I wanted to, my mind wasn't allowing me to go there.

I stepped forward to grab the man that was injuring the boy. I had enough strength within myself to do it, even when Wayne was in complete shock.

Just as my hand reached for the collar of his shirt, the man turned around, growled at me and I screamed before every inch of my body froze. My blood ran cold at his appearance.

The man's eyes were swollen and the redness surrounded the entire skin around his eyes. Just further underneath them, there were dark veins bulging out of his skin, throbbing as he took a breath. Blood was smeared over his mouth and sharp canines tore through his lips. His neck was different shades of gray and black while the rest of him resembled a true monster.

The longer I stared, the more terrified I felt. Second by second, I felt my limbs turning weak along with the rest of my body until Wayne grabbed my arm and pushed me aside.

I regained my strength and stood on my legs as I watched Wayne put the man onto the ground. The man fought hardly against him, biting, screaming, yowling and even howling like a mad man with no conscious.

It lasted for a few seconds but it felt like an eternity had passed by before Wayne slammed his fist on the man's face and knocked him out.

"He's not going to be out for long." He stood up from the ground and with his bloodied hands, he grabbed his phone out of his pocket before dialing someone up. "I'm going to call whoever is nearby. You should take the boy and go. You'll find wolves running around here." Wayne spoke to me but I barely understood any of his words.

When he came near to me, I backed away. His brows furrowed, "Clara."

"Are you—is that—are you like him?" I asked. It was the only thing I could think of this entire time.

Was Wayne like that man who was feeding off from the young boy? Was he the same monster as him? Was that the reality?

"Clara," He breathed out. "Yes." His eyes filled up with shame as he agreed.

My lips parted and my eyes stung as I took a few more steps back from Wayne. I could still feel my heart pounding, thudding harder and harder as every second passed by. I didn't exactly knew what he had become until I had seen the man rip into the poor boy's flesh and feed on him.

Now, I was terrified.

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